Counsel Tyhen

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 I quickly hopped off the bed, eyeing Hollee who did the same and looked just as confused as me. I watch as the door opens wide and a pale yellow dress walks in and the sound of heels clacking on the floor starts. I look up to see a girl with almond skin, small rosy lips, a button nose and dark brown wavy hair, darker than Hollee's and lighter than mine, that falls just grazing her shoulders. Her loose dress sways as she walks, falling off her shoulders and the few rays of sunlight that still shine show the tiny sparkles on her dress.

A light scent of what the flowers around us look like they would probably smell like wafts from her. Her eyes. Her eyes are what catches my attention. They're big and a dark green, reminding me of the big leaves hanging on the branches of the trees we passed by on our way to the manor. I turn to Hollee who is also looking the girl over, when I look back at the girl she looks at me strangely. We've been staring.

"Hi," I quickly say, walking over to Hollee's side of the room, nudging her.

"Hi," she says, more cheerfully than I had sounded.

"Uh, Hi," the girl says confused, but steps into the room and the door closes lightly behind her. I notice she's carrying a large beige bag in her right hand. There's awkward silence between us, with me and Hollee standing tightly next to each other near her bed and the girl standing still in front of the door holding her bag. We just stare at each other until those big leafy green eyes start pierce through mine and I get uncomfortable.

"This is my room, right?" She asks, puzzled. That's when I realized why she had looked at us so strangely. I'm not supposed to be here.

"Oh, yes, it is," Hollee says, quickly. Then, more awkward silence.

"Then, which one of you is Hollee Marrow?" She asks, walking over to what is now her side of the room. She drops her bag on the bed. Since she's not facing us, I elbow Hollee hard in her side.

"I am," she says, pushing me a little, but quickly standing still when the girl turns back around.

"That means you're Moyra..."


"Tybalt," Hollee says, taking a mental note of Moyra's name. "Nice to meet you, Moyra."

"Nice to meet you, Hollee," she says, smiling a beautiful smile.

Then, she turns to me and her smile fades quicker than I could have imagined, I shift on my feet.

"And you are?"

"Xiernia," I say, quickly.


"Marrow. Xiernia Marrow." Her eyebrows seem to raise at the realization of my last name.

"She's my sister," Hollee says, sweetly.

"Older sister," I add, smirking at Hollee who rolls her eyes and lightly laugh.Moyra does not laugh.

"Cool," she says.

"Where are you from?" Holle asks. The girl seems to hesitate before answering, her eyes fall to the floor as if thinking of something.

"The Supes," she says. "The Supes," she says, as if clarifying it for herself. The Supes wonder why she caught my attention so quickly.

"Wow," Hollee says, excitedly, "I would love to hear more about it."

"We're from the Stifles," I say. Her face seems to bunch up and there's a look in her eyes after I say those words.

"That sounds interesting."

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