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fun fact: I was actually going to stop updating chapters after this one, but I decided that the Royal Picking would be one I would keep on wattpad :) So you guys get the full book for free!



Why is it always that I get a chance to be at peace one day and then it's always ruined on another day?

 I had enjoyed the peaceful slumber I got to have the night before. Now I lay awake as the sun rises from its own rest, spreading its joy against the curtains covering the window of our room. I thought about a lot of things as my body rubbed against the soft covers. I pulled them higher and higher, past my shoulders and chin, eaving only my eyes uncovered. 

As always, Peyra was sound asleep and I wondered what she dreamed about that allowed her to rest so peacefully and quietly. I fiddled with the necklace subconsciously. I hadn't realized how it was starting to become a habit. It was the only thing that could center me, the only thing to rest my thoughts. But, even that didn't help when I needed to sleep. I had questions and lots of them.

I shuffled, turning onto my back, resting the back of my head on the cushioned pillow. I tilted my head at the flowers on the ceiling, wondering if they would look any different if I were to look at them in a different way. Nope, still ugly flowers

 I huff loudly, not really caring if I woke Peyra. At least if she were to wake up, I would have someone to share my frustration with. Then again, what bits of knowledge would she even have to share with me? With a final sigh, I closed my eyes, blocking out the sun's bright light, blocking out the ugly brown flowers, and my own worries.

I thought about a lot of things. Right now, last night, the night before, and the night before that and so on. I always thought about everything, every detail, every choice, every word. There's always a deeper meaning behind everything. A deeper purpose and reason. It all just depends on how far you're willing to look. Not everyone likes to take out time to find the Why to everything. But, for someone who already knows what happens when you don't, I don't want to go down that road again. Why?

Why does Rhanes want me to be his Queen? Why did Hollee accept Laith's offer? Why is everyone pairing up so early? Why haven't we started our lessons yet? Why are we here? Why was I picked? Why was father the way he was? Why did mother die? Why did King Kryser have them killed? Why was I born?

Some questions are easy to answer while others are not. I can answer the first one: Rhanes wants me to be his Queen because we are already close as is, so why not? I can't answer the last one. Why are we all born? Some say to live our lives. Others say we all have a greater purpose.

What do I say? I say it's all a sick joke. We're either born only to be put through so much that we can't wait until it's time to go. Or, there's others that are born to enjoy the best things of life. But, in the end we all die. It's about what we do with our time. Do we choose to sulk in a nice room with terrible colors, laying in a soft bed, looking at a ceiling filled with flowers we've never seen? Or, do we get up and go on with our lives because we all already know we don't have much left of it?

I open my eyes. The sun light from the window barely escapes through the gaps in the curtain, but it still slides against the wall of the room. I turn my head to face a sleeping Peyra across the room. I sigh, sliding the covers off of me. I sit on the edge of the bed, running through the last bit of thoughts to bounce around in my head. Only one continues to repeat over and over again. Do we sulk or do we live?

I took my usual seat next to Hollee with Peyra falling to my side. I let them talk about whatever they wanted to share this morning. I had my mind on other things. I was focused on the conversations being had all around me. I turned my attention to the table nearest us. I spotted a familiar face. One side of her coal black hair was pinned down behind her ear with a shiny peice of metal while the rest of her short hair fell to her jawline. I had only remembered the girl because besides her ebony skin sparkled in the light, she had a book in her hand. I remembered her carrying a similiar one when she was in my room with Peyra. Nkezea.

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