The Last Picked

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After breakfast, I had rushed to my room, something I had been doing for a while now. I had become eager to go to my room and sleep whenever I could because there would be no time to sleep when lessons would start. Speaking of lessons, we had heard that there would be an update about when we start them. Another meeting, I had groaned when Hollee spoke so enthusiastically about it today at the table. She mentioned that a woman in black and white had come to address them earlier this morning. I had gotten to the dining room a little late, so I had missed it.

Ikaria had chimed in that I didn't really miss anything, just that Counsel Tyhen has finally decided what to do about the confusion that has been this whole week. And a confusion it had been. But, for once I truly feel as if everything is as it is supposed to be. Hollee and I seem to be better than we were before, especially now that I, kind of, support her decision with Laith.

We've found a group of people we can relate to. The five of us from different villages and yet so similar. Ovisia and her charming attitude and snarky comments. Ikaria and her sweet atmosphere and joyful energy. Peyra and her calming presence and sarcastic approach. Then there's me and Hollee. The way our differing personalities compare and contrast, bouncing off each other, colliding sometimes. But, sometimes we always find a way to harmonize and compromise.

I shuffled under the covers. I had been facing the wall for quite some time since I first woke up from my slumber. The room was quiet as it had been when I first entered it. I turned around, lying on my other side, so I could face the room. Peyra was nowhere in sight, but I knew she was probably off somewhere doing something way more entertaining than what I was doing. But, I enjoyed the time I got to spend by myself. I appreciated the girls and loved my sister, but sometimes I could use the time to myself.

The time to listen to the sounds around me that aren't filled with unnecessary and empty chatter about who knows what. It all blended around me as white noise and I found myself ignoring it. Here in the room with the sunlight hitting the floors in a way I had started to love. Because even though it wasn't a lot of light, it made a difference. It was the only reason I could even see in here anyway. I didn't have to ignore any sounds or block them out. I let the light sounds of the curtain flying in the soft breeze that came from the tiny gap we had opened in the window swirl around my ears. The feeling of the soft covers on my shoulders welcomed me and the silent relaxation I had felt.

My muscles were not tense, my jaw was not clenched, and I no longer felt like I was falling into a dark and neverending pit of emptiness. Instead I felt like I was floating on a cloud. "A rain cloud," I had whispered, smiling to myself. A rain cloud.

I thought about how everything would be different, now that Rhanes and I had made things official. Would we have to strategize? Create a plan to become Queen and King? How would we even do that? It's not like there's a correct list of steps already written out that will with complete certainty make us Queen and King. Rhanes has the personality of what I would consider a King. He is the golden boy after all. What better person other than him? He knows what he is here for. He believes it is his fate, his destiny, and his lover's dying wish. I don't have a clear reason for being here, other than the fact that I was chosen to be.

Ermes wanted me to believe this was my destiny and my fate. Though I had latched on to the idea of it being mine, I never held onto it tightlly. I let the thought sit in my hand like one of the butterflies Ikaria had shown us in one of the books Ovisia got her from the library. Sooner or later, it would fly out of my hand and I would let it. I could never be Queen, but I could try. If the idea itself wanted to stay with me, it would, if it didn't, well it could fly away. I would not stop it.

I groaned as I got out of the bed, I had decided I would go to lunch. I had started to get bored of laying in bed all day, especially when I didn't necessarily need the sleep. I was still wearing the dress I had put on this morning to go to breakfast. It was, like most of the dresses, a brown loose thing. I slid into the shoes I had kicked off when I flopped onto the bed earlier today. I was hoping to get something done today, I don't know maybe spend some time with my friends.

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