My Queen

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"This was the first night I slept soundly. I hadn't been able to get much sleep since we got here. But, last night was different," I said, turning to my sister who was seated on the edge of my bed, looking at me.

Peyra had already left for lunch in a hurry because she said she was going to walk down with a friend of hers. She had many friends, I wasn't sure which one she was talking about. I had only met that book girl, Nkezea, and I knew her and Ikaria were kind of close already. But, I didn't know who she was talking about today. It was just me and Hollee huddled in the room.

I was still getting ready, having enjoyed my sleep a little bit too much this morning. I had another brown dress on, but I didn't really mind the color anymore. I put my hair in my infamous puff, it was the one thing to remind me of being back home. Other than the topaz gem that laid against my skin. I liked the way it looked on me and I vowed to never ever take it off again.

Hollee had been listening to me ramble on and on about nothing of much importance. I was talking about lots of things and basically nothing at the same time. For once, I wanted to talk about anything and everything and for once, Hollee did the listening while I talked. I watched as she nodded, smiled here and there, and gasped at the right moments. I wasn't sure if she was really listening or just really good at pretending she was. Still, it didn't matter much to me because at least I got the words out.

I turned around to face her fully when I was completely done getting dressed. She nodded her head at my appearance and I took that as an achievement. I untied the silver key from my neck, holding it in my hand as we walked out of the room. When I locked the door behind us, I immediately started back talking.

"Anyways, me and Rhanes, we're better now." This sparks her attention because her head quickly turns to mine as we walk down the hallway to the staircase.


"What do you mean by better?" She emphasizes the word "better," stretching the word as if to create another meaning, a definition that I had no idea of knowing. I rolled my eyes, sighing.

"We're friends. You had created a weird atmosphere between us," I snapped. She raises her hands to protest.

"I did not, I only said that Ermes would be okay with it, if you decided to move on," she shrugs.

"No one's moving on, okay?"

"Okay," she lets the word fall out of her mouth, but even I can tell she didn't mean it.

"Besides would I be wearing Ermes' necklace if I moved on?"

"That's his?! I was going to ask you where you got such a beautiful necklace from." I smile proudly as she admires the gem.

"He made it for me, to match my earring," I add. She only nods and I realize I shouldn't have mentioned the earring. Father was the one to give me it to me and I don't remember him giving her one. I bit my lip, trying to think of something else to talk about before things got tense.

"I miss Ermes," Hollee finally says.

"You do?" I say, shocked.

"Why do you sound so surprised? I spent time with him too you know." That is true. Ermes made sure to spend time with Hollee whenever he got the chance. He tried to spend time with everyone actually, Kailan and Father included. That's why he joined the mines and became a mining apprentice under Kailan. He wanted to have some type of relationship with each of them. He would find Hollee different fabrics and sewing materials, so she would always have all the supplies she could need. I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

I never knew why he did it, but I knew he loved people and being around them. But, I always hoped maybe he wasn't just doing it for that, but for an even bigger reason. I fiddled with the teardrop gem in my hand, I let my fingers rub against the engraved words. I knew them like the back of my hand now.

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