Chapter 20

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"Let me get in there," a voice says.

Ermes' arms are still tight around my waist and I had dropped mine around his. My head was turned inward into his neck. I had closed my eyes, taking it all in. The feeling of his hands rubbing my back in circular motions, letting me know he is really here. The slow rise and fall of his chest on mine. The warmth that comes from tucking my face into his neck. If I breathe in deeply, I can still smell the scents of the Stifles deep in his skin.

I felt at home in his arms more than I had ever felt at home anywhere. So, when he said Never Again, I tightened my grip on him. I whispered the words into the safety of his neck. Never again. Those two words held so much meaning to me that just uttering felt like I was standing tall towards the universe, to destiny, to fate. I was standing, protecting him--no protecting us.

I would defy whatever destiny the world had for me, whatever purpose they thought belonged to me and I would do it all for him, for us. Right here, I was certain the only purpose that was mine and truly mine was only to love and be loved. If by anybody, by Ermes and Ermes only.

"Hello," the voice calls out, carrying the ending "-o" for longer than it should have been.

I sigh, loosening my arms from around Ermes and pulling back. Only he doesn't let go of me instead he gives me room to back only inches away before removing his left hand from around me.

He places his warm hand on my cool cheek, the last remembrance of the thick layer of ice that covered my skin. Slowly, but surely he melts away the last chunk of ice until I am nothing, but water. Droplets of water slide off my skin, dripping onto the ground. The only thing that is a reminder of the ice, that was my skin, are the sprouting flowers that pop from the soft dirt. Reminding us both of the beauty that comes from terrible weather. He lifts my chin up towards him, leaving a soft hot kiss on my lips before letting me go.

I only get inches away from him before Hollee pushes past me and towards him. She practically tackles him with all her strength, but he holds himself up. She tightens her arms around his waist, laying her head flat onto his chest. I think of how small she is compared to him. He lets out a light laugh at her efforts, freeing his arms from her tight grip. He wraps them around her, letting out a deep sigh, placing his head on top of hers.

He closes his eyes and I notice Hollee doing the same. I smile to myself, blinking back the tears of seeing them together again. I hadn't realized how much she cared for Ermes. I thought she just liked having him around and having someone to play with when Kai and I wouldn't. But, maybe she did care for him in their own weird way.

They stand like that for a while and I dare not to interrupt them. It isn't until I notice a tiny flickering light that grabs my attention. I watch as the drop of clear liquid slides down and drops onto a pink petaled flower. I watch as the flower tilts down and folds into itself, dying. I turn back to where the water droplet came from. Hollee seems to be crying, her eyes shut tightly, showing creases in her skin.

When she sniffles, Ermes loosens his grip around her, putting his hands on her shoulders lightly pushing her back to see her face. She's turned a little pink and her eyes a light red. I pull my arm around her waist, laying my head on hers like Ermes had done. Ermes looks at us both and I smile a slight sad smile towards him. He sighs and it is almost as if he feels the exact same. He looks us over once more before pulling us into a quiet, tight hug.

Hollee and I lay there, folded deep into his chest. I put my arm over Hollee pulling her more into me. We stand like that, enveloped in each other. Neither one of us daring to move and none of us really wanting to. It isn't until Hollee starts sniffling again do we start to loosen our grip. She wipes away her tears letting out a light, sad chuckle as we pull out from each other's embrace.

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