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"Peppermint toads," James said. He rushed inside to see Alastor Moody and Emmeline Vance standing in the office. Dumbledore was sitting behind the desk, with his head resting on one of his hands. He looked up, when James walked inside.

"Where are they?" James asked urgently.

"James," Emmeline sighed, "we are so sorry..."

"What do you mean?" James gulped.

"Three dead bodies, no sign of Lily or Black," Moody growled.

"We looked everywhere," Emmeline said.

"So, they are still alive..." James said.

"Possibly," Moody said, "or they killed them and took the bodies, so we would go looking for them."

"Don't say that Moody," Emmeline hissed.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Moody roared  and James could see Emmeline roll her eyes, "and don't even try to deny it Vance, you saw the state of the room."

"What happened to the room?" Remus asked.

"The ceiling collapsed," Emmeline whispered and James felt his stomach turn over in an uncomfortable way.

"So what's the plan?" James turned to Dumbledore, who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Do they know where you are?" Dumbledore asked.

"I think only Lily knows," James said and Dumbledore nodded. He then turned to Remus.

"You have to tell me exactly what happened," he told him and Remus nodded.

"We were asleep in the corridor," Remus started explaining, "and were woken up by a scream. Sirius went to investigate and found a healer dead. We tried getting into Lily's room, but we couldn't open the door. Sirius tried to blast it open, but all the curses rebounded. Sirius then said to... to get myself out of there and find James. He told me to find him and keep him put. I left Mungo's and disapparated to Moody's and then went looking for James."

"And you are sure that Black doesn't know Potter is here?" Moody asked and Remus nodded.

"James didn't say anything when he left with Harry," he said, "except if Lily decided to tell him after I left, but I highly doubt that happened."

"I will send search parties," Dumbledore told James, "a few have already left. As for you and Harry..."

"I will join a search party," James interrupted. Dumbledore shook his head.

"You will stay with your son for the time being," he said and as soon as James opened his mouth to protest, he raised his hand.

"Your son needs protection James," he said, "I know Hogwarts is considered safe and that Lily won't give up your location willingly, but I am afraid that Voldemort has interrogation methods, that could break even the strongest wizards."

"So I am supposed to just sit here?" James asked and Dumbledore nodded sadly.

"The only thing I am debating is weather I should relocate you or not," he said.

"It would prove itself rather useless, if either of them gives Voldemort false information," Moody said and Dumbledore nodded.

"Exactly my thoughts," Dumbledore said.


Sirius felt his body shiver as footsteps, descending down the stairs, woke him up. He was sitting on the floor of the cellar, leaning against the cold wall and Lily's unconscious head was still resting on his lap. He heard the door open and saw a light shine through the darkness.

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