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"Green tag, green tag!"

"Tagged, these are good!"

"Check them all, check them all!"

"Bring out the wounded!"

"Green tag!"

Those were the majority of voices I heard from the hallway. Everyting else was either screams or gunshots. The majority was gunshots. I stepped out of my room and saw Atlas soldiers escorting everyone out of the area. I ran to the end of the hallway to see what the hell was going on.

There was a line up of Atlas scientists and wounded men, and they were gunned down by other Atlas guards. I watched in horror as the bullets impacted their bodies, and them falling lifeless. I muttered a curse and ran to my room, where I grabbed the only weapon availabe to me: a pistol.

My main objective was to get a fucking Exo Suit, but secuirty locked down the damn place. I was running around the halls searching for the armory, but soldiers in hazamat suits stopped me.

"Ma'am you cannot go in there!" said one of them, pushing my back.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, trying to get passed the two obsticles in my way.

"We are having an emergency. Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to turn around before-" he was cutoff when something grabbed onto him and pulled him back.

I watched in horror as the guard was screaming as whatever pulled him back was tearing his throat out. His buddy tried to shoot, but another one came and jumped on him. I immediately started to run away. I heard there screams of pain as I ran down the hallway. As more of those creature filled the hall, I fired my pistol, until I heard a click. This fucking 2 round burst pieces of shit. I threw the gun on the ground and sprinted to the nearest doorway. When I entered, there were Atlas soldiers being deployed and they aimed their weapons at me. The room was large, but then I realized I was outside in the courtyard. Warbirds were hovering above with their lights scanning around the area.

It was almost dawn, and it looked like all Atlas forces have been mobalized. They were ready, ready to take the lives of whatever it was that was out there. The groans and growls were now loader, and they kept getting loader. Three ASTs appeared in the back of the barrier and readied their massive machine guns.

"Don't you dare fucking shoot." I spat out, as the screeches and moans from the creatures came closer behind me.

"Ma'am we need to know, are you infected?" ordered a man with a bullhorn on top of a military truck.

"No! But we're all about to be unless you focus your fire at everything behind me. Sound good?"

"Echo, secure her. All teams, get ready!"

As three armed men to come and retrieve me, they were too late. More of those things jumped onto them and started biting them. I sprinted to the cordon of soldiers as they watched the horrific scene. When I hopped over the the barricade of jeeps, a soldier handed me a rifle.


It sounded like thunder, it was long lasting and had a dreadful effect. The entrance to the hallway was getting painted into a dark red: blood. Many of the creatures were falling lifeless, but they came at us, jumping in the air. I swear some had Exo suits on and boost jumped past our cordon. As they breached the line of solid gunfire, more and more soldiers were getting their throats, stomaches, and other body parts getting torn out. One jumped and me, but I pushed it back, and shot at it until it was dead.

"Jesus Christ, it's in the Bird!" Shouted a pilot as the creatures were crawling all over the VTOL aircraft.

They dragged the bird down into one of the buildings of the Atlas Corporation Headquarters. It exploded into a bright explosion. The ASTs have failed, too. There were more infected on their giant armor suits. One of the creatures unintentionally pulled the manual release on the pilot's suit, and he was ejected out and eaten alive. The same happened to another AST, but the third one stood firm, firing his massive machine gun and swarm missiles. However, another infected creature clawed and bit at his cockpit until it finally breached and the massive suit fell lifeless.

We were slowly being pushed back. The size of cordon was rapidly decreasing as I heard much more screams of pain and groans for hunger. I hid behind a jeep, and a dying man lay next to me. He was coughing and spitting out blood. I knew that this was it. This was the transformation from living to dead. He started screaming and growling as his eyes slowly brightened. Blood started to foam out of his mouth and his teeth became bloody. I reached for the nearest firearm, but there weren't any because the line of contractors had been reduced to a platoon of dead men.

"Mia watch out!" Shouted someone and I saw nothing but a bloody face and jaws in front of me.

I woke up screaming and covered in sweat. I had my pistol drawn and aimed at the only person in the room - Gideon. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that I had just had a nightmare. I laid the pistol on the nightstand next to me and sat up on the edge of my bed.

"What did you hear?" I asked bluntly, wiping the beads of sweat and hair plastered to my forehead.

"I didn't hear all that much. You were just tossing and turning. It became a real ruckus when you went for your Atlas 45 there. Other than that, it was quiet." He responded, putting on his beanie and walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"Mission. Irons said its for us only. So, you're not coming."

"Who is 'us' exactly?"

"Joker, Mitchell, and I."

I sighed, "Okay. Happy hunting."

He walked out.

I pulled myself out of my grey bed and opened the door to go into the hallway. I looked down and didn't see anyone getting executed or killed. Everything was normal. I let out a rough sigh and then blinked.

"YOU! THERE!" Hollered the man in charge of the executions down the hallway. I panicked and then blinked again. He was gone.

"Morning, Griffin." Greeted Samuel Dunn, a friend who was part of Echo team.

"Oh yeah, hey. Morning to you too." I replied and rubbed my eyes, getting out all the crusts there. By the time I opened them again, he had a pistol trained on me. There was still chaos going around.

"I'm sorry, Mia. You wouldn't tell us if you were infected."

"IM NOT INFECTED!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and bolted away. When I looked back, he was still standing there, no weapon in hand. Other contractors and scientists looked at me too with confused and concerned looks.

What the hell is happening to me?

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