The Greatest Terrorist Attack in History

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I woke up seeing nothing but white. At first, I needed to get my vision clear, but it took a while. When I was able to see, I was in a white room. There were blinding white lights and a large glass pane to my left. I tried to get up, but a sharp pain shot throughout my body. What the the hell happened?

The door opened.

It was Gideon.

"You gave us quite the scare, lass." he announced with a wry chuckle.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, looking around the room.

"The RPG that hit next to you sent some shrapnel into your side. Alpha team brought you back here." he replied, giving a smile.

"Well thanks. Did you catch-Did you catch Hades?" I stuttered from some pain.

"No. The Bastard got away, but we did get the technologist." he sighed.

"What's happening now?"

"Well, the KVA are planning something big in Seattle. The team and I and an Atlas expeditionary force are moving there to eliminate the threat."

"Alright, I should-I should go get my gear." I tried to stand up, put Gideon softly pushed me down.

"Negative, lass. You need rest and you need to be healed. Don't worry, we'll handle this."

"You're fucking with me." I slapped my palm into my foregead as I relaxed onto my bed.

"I'm afraid not. Sorry Mia, you're just too wounded to go. Fuck me, I have to go. We're the first wave going into the attack." Gideon made his way to the door.

"Gideon... Please, be safe. Tell everyone in the team I said the same thing."

"Will do. Now you get rest."

Gideon walked out.

There was something in my gut that made me feel on edge with this mission. Something was going to happened, and someone will die. I couldn't fight back the tears and let them roll down my cheeks. Just the thought of the squad being gunned down, or falling into a trap, or them being killed in all was too much.

I ignored all the pain in my body and tried to escape my chambers. Thats when doctors ran in and ordered me to get back to my bed. I refused and kept moving to the exit. When the doctors started to try and direct me away from the door, I slowly jostled my way through them. One doctor aggressively grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back to the bed. I pushed him away and he landed with a thud.

The door opened and two armored Atlas guards stepped in. They rushed to assist the failing doctors. Things got extremely physical for they were carrying me to the bed. I started to kick and scream and thrash around. Realizing that resistance was futile, I shouted the names of everyone in the squad: Mitchell, Gideon, and Joker.

"Sedate her!" ordered a doctor and I felt a needle enter me.

I feel asleep.

I woke up in the same white room, only except I was strapped down by brown belts on my wrists on feet. Near the exit, there was an a Atlas MP Guard holding a Bal-27. In front of me was a screen, and it was playing the mission in Seattle. It was on a soldiers helmet cam. I whistled at the guard.

"Did the mission already start?" I asked.

"Yes, the first wave is en route," She replied with a Russian accent. "I'm also breaking you out of here."

The guard walked over and undid my bindings. When she was finished I rubbed my wrist and stared at the woman who released me. She started to take off her helmet, and at that moment I knew who it was.

Days of Future Soldiers (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora