29) Damage control

Start from the beginning

I will not sacrifice my marriage. I know you and Maya and my other uncles can handle our business well."

Boonsri steps forward and turns Zen towards her, looking at him with a pleading expression.

"Zen, my son, listen to me. Don't make any decision hastily. You- you're just confused. This, whatever you have with Kai is not love, it's an illusion of love. You are not gay. Okay. This marriage is against the law of nature and it will have to end one day. You don't love Kai. You just feel protective towards him because he is younger than you and gives you affection.

Kai is not the right one for you, Zen. He can't provide you anything. He can't give you kids, can't satisfy your needs like a woman. You think you can live with him forever but sooner or later you will also want to be a father. Your physical needs will make themselves known, what will you do then? Do you plan to remain celibate for the rest of your life?"

Zen looks at his mother with utter shock. His.. his mother thinks.. that- that men can't be intimate with each other....

"Do you even know what you are saying, Boonsri?" Narong spits out, his face contorted in anger.

"Kai is the only one for me. There can be no one else. There isn't anyone else. You don't need to worry about me mom, Kai keeps me satisfied in every way possible." He puts special emphasis on the word every.

A sharp sound is heard as Boonsri's hand connects with Zen's face.



Narong and Maya scream simultaneously. Narong marches towards his wife and holds grabs her arm roughly.

"Are you out of your mind?" he yells at her face. Boonsri looks up at him with fire in her eyes.

"Your son is trying to humiliate us in public and I won't let this happen." She spits out angrily and then turns her attention towards Zen.

"You will regret this decision. I never expected you to be a disgrace to our family. I don't know what sins I committed in my past life that I birthed you two. I am ashamed of you both. Remember one thing, Zen. The day you tell everyone about your marriage with that freak is the day I disown you. You have to choose. Your mother or that freak." Boonsri storms out of the room leaving a heartbroken Zen behind.

"Zen.. brother.." Maya steps forward and puts her hand on her brother's shoulder. Zen doesn't respond. His heart his bleeding. His mother's disgusted face is etched in his mind. His mother is disgusted by him because of his sexuality.

Maya hugs her brother and rests her head on his shoulders. She understands how Zen is feeling. Her mother's sharp words have wounded her in the past and now the same is happening to her brother.

A tear drops from Zen's eye and Narong doesn't waste a second in embracing his kids.

"D-ad." Zen's voice breaks as he falls apart in his father's arms, tears cascading down his face like an endless stream. All the words that left his mother's mouth killed him from inside. He was her "favorite child". She always loved him, praised him and supported him. Or maybe that was because he always did what she says. Maya pulls away from the embrace and caresses her brother's back, trying to calm him down but in vain. Zen's shoulders shake as he cries. Maya is relieved that their father is here to handle this, this strong man who is now breaking into pieces.

Narong allows his son to cry to his heart's content on his shoulders. He pulls Zen away from him once his son has calmed down and wipes the remaining tears from his eyes.

"Zen, I want you to know that I am proud of you. I am proud of what you are about to do. I will always support you and Kai. You don't need to worry about people looking down on you. Narong Wongsuwan is still alive. He will gauge anyone's eyes out who dare to look down upon his children. Your father's shoulders will always stand strong to support you.

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