Special Chapter(Announcement at the end)

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Zen looks out of his car window, feeling excited to finally come back to his family after these gruesome three months. He missed his kids so much. He missed his Kai so much. He can't wait to take them in his arms and never let go.

He can survive the 1 week trips or 2 weeks trips but three freaking months without his family were painful. He talked to Kai four days ago and told him that he won't be home for Halloween because work is piling up big time. His heart broke when Ashy and Niya started crying for him to be back just for a few hours.

Kai had to end the call early to pacify them. Zen later received a text from Kai, telling him not to worry and that the kids will be okay.

He has such an understanding and supportive family and his conscience didn't allow him to leave them during a festive occasion like that. He immersed himself in work for the last four days, barely eating and sleeping because he wanted to get shit done and go back home for a few days. They will be so surprised!

His phone pings and he opens the group chat. He takes a deep breath, feeling irritated at the message. It's his stupid college friends. He contacted them a few years back when he and Kai decided to do a vow renewal ceremony. It was beautiful.

After that day, they remained in contact. He told them he's going back home for Halloween and they suggested he surprise Kai and the kids. Now, one of the idiots is joking about how it will play out if Zen is the one who gets surprised if the kids found a new dad for them and he plays house with Kai.

This annoys the hell out of him. This is not something to joke about!

He reads the chat and snorts. Now, one of them is saying that his wife would beat the shit out of him if he left for 3 months like Zen.

You all are idiots, I swear. This is not funny.

They all reply with laughing emotes. Idiots!

He slept through the majority of his flight and car ride and is now wide awake as the destination draws nearer.


Zen drags his luggage in with a bright smile on his face. It's just 7 am and he's sure that Kai and the kids are still sleeping. He puts the luggage aside and walks straight upstairs, to his room and as expected, Kai, Niya and Ashy are sound asleep on the bed.

He slowly and quietly walks towards the bed. His eyes twinkle as his heart feels overwhelmed with love when he sees the sight before him. The most important people in the world for him huddled together. God, he missed them so much!

He decides to first freshen up and then join them on the bed. He takes out his casual clothes from the almirah as silently as possible and goes to the washroom.

He comes out after changing and tip toes towards Kai's sleeping form and bends down to place a soft kiss on his head. He missed him so much. He walks towards the other side of the bed and gets inside the quilt and pecks his soundly sleeping kids' cheeks. His sweet little babies!

Ashy is sleeping between Kai and Niya, all safe and protected. He is a silent boy and Zen knows how worried Kai gets sometimes but Ansh is just a 4 year old kid. Things might change in the future and even if they don't, being an introvert isn't a bad thing. It's all because of his stupid relatives saying shit to Kai. They all make him feel like they will come for Ashy when he gets older and it scares Kai.

No one can touch Ashy. Not on his watch.

He lies down and cuddles both his kids, putting his hand over Kai's who's also holding them close to him. Zen gradually falls asleep peacefully after so many months as he finally is back with his family.

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