32.1) The rightful judgement

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Zen makes his way to the hospital first thing in the morning and then plans on going to the office. Kai and Keit will probably be busy with all the packing and unpacking of the stuffs the whole day.

He'll treat them dinner outside today.

"Son, how come you're here so early?" Preeda asks as soon as Zen steps into the room booked for Dean. Preeda looks tired. Zen can see that this incident took a toll on her.

"Just wanted to check on you all." Zen hugs his and then asks if he can meet Dean or if it's too early. Somchai enters the room and hugs Zen. He asks him to wait for thirty minutes and then visitors will be allowed.

"Did you both eat something?"

"Yes, son. We've been eating from the canteen here." Preeda pats his cheek affectionately.

"If you need anything, you can tell me anytime."

"Thank you. We will." Som then goes out to talk with the doctor and Zen continues chatting with Preeda. They talk about how they didn't expect this kind of a family reunion. In a hospital. Zen ensures Preeda that Dean's assailants will pay for what they've done and they will never be able to do this to someone else.

"Zen, Dean is awake and had his breakfast. You can meet him now." Somchai informs him and he excitedly and nervously makes his way towards the ER. Well, this will be a bit awkward because they are meeting after so many years.

When Zen enters the room, he sees Dean's eyes are closed and they took him off the oxygen mask. For a second he ponders over if he should leave and let him rest or just sit beside him. He decides the latter and takes a seat next to Dean's bed.

"Tired, huh." He whispers as his heart hurts looking at his brother's injured form. His fist clench in anger. He will ruin the ones who dared to put their hands on his family!

Dean's eyes snap open and he slowly turns his head towards Zen. Oh, so he wasn't sleeping.

Zen gives him a soft smile and gently touches his hand.

"It's me. Zen." The silver eyed male introduces himself when he sees Dean's eyeballs moving as if trying to remember him, searching all the people's names in his mind.

Dean on the other hand is shocked. Of course, he knows it's Zen. He just can't believe he's here. Even though he gets annoyed when his family starts praising Zen way too much, he keeps up with Zen's TED talk sessions and training sessions. He follows all his interviews and uses all the tips and tricks Zen tells the aspiring programmers. He knows his voice very well.

"I know." he whispers and smiles at his older brother.

"Well, it's not exactly the way we wanted a reunion but it's been so long and we've finally met again." Zen and Dean, both chuckle and Zen's hold tighten on Dean's hand.

Zen's expressions turn sad and he asks "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. The pain is bearable." Dean manages to give Zen his most sincere smile.

"Good. You'll recover in no time." A comfortable silence falls in between them.

"I met Keit." Dean perks up as soon as Zen mentions his adorable boyfriend.

"He's perfect, right?"

Zen grins at his brother's response. They do love each other so much.

"He is. He's so adorable and so stubborn. Perfect mix." Dean let's out a laugh at Zen's words.

"Stubborn? What did he do?"

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