15) Love On The Line

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Zen wastes no time as he rushes towards Kai and stands before him, blocking his path. His heartbeat increasing with every tick of the clock.

"You are not going anywhere." He says firmly making Kai's temper flare. Zen doesn't want to argue with his husband. He just wants to make sure he is alright. He wants to feed him food and tuck him to bed so that he could rest. He knows kai has a high fever and needs medicines. He wants to take care of him but Kai is proving to be stubborn.

"I am going and that's final. I'll be back after a few days." Zen is afraid that if he let Kai go now, he may never come back. Kai is about to walk past Zen when he is held by his arm and pulled back a little harshly making his head spin. Zen immediately holds Kai closer to him when he sees Kai is feeling dizzy.

"Kai!" Zen makes Kai sit on the bed, his back resting on the soft pillow and puts the bag away.

"Sweetheart, don't stress yourself. Let me go bring you breakfast and then you can take your medicine." Kai glares at his husband, trying to breathe through his blocked nose. "Stay here. I'll bring something for you to eat." Zen leans down to press a kiss on Kai's forehead but Kai pulls away before his lips could touch his forehead.

The look of hurt that crosses Zen's face breaks Kai's heart. "I want to take a bath." Kai explains himself. Understanding dawns on Zen's face.

"It something first, Kai. Then I'll wipe your body. It's not good to have a shower when you have a high fever." Zen tries to reason with him but fails as Kai shakes his head in denial.

"I feel filthy." After hearing Kai's reply, Zen understands and gives him a nod. "I'll be back." He softly taps Kai's thigh two times and walks out of the bedroom to get breakfast for Kai.

On his way back down, Zen completely ignores his mother who tails behind him to the kitchen.

"Zen. Don't ignore me like this. Why are you angry at me? I didn't do anything!" she exclaims, throwing her hands up as Zen takes warm chapatis from the container and soaks them in milk. He needs to take care of Kai's diet.

He turns towards his mother giving her an icy look. "That's the problem, mom. You didn't do anything. You didn't stop your snobby friend when she accused my husband, your son in law for stealing. You didn't bother to even inform me about any of this. If Maya didn't tell me, you would've left my Kai to rot there." Zen's eyes turn red with anger.

He is trying hard not to yell at his mother but every word that left his lips was like a dagger to his mother's heart. Zen has never talked to Boonsri like this. It is the first time he talked back to her and in a such a tone. Her heart bitters for Kai even more. All this happened because of that boy!

Zen respects his mother very much and has always tried to understand her point of view in everything. She started behaving a little distant with him after he married Kai. He understood that she is having a hard time accepting that her only son married a man. He thought she will get used to it eventually. He knows she doesn't like Kai at all but he never expected her to just stand and watch as Kai is taken to the police station.

He cannot anyone harming Kai in any way. His mother has broken his trust and showed him that Kai is not safe at his own home. He shakes these thoughts away and puts the breakfast on a tray. He needs to take care of Kai first. He'll deal with his mother later.

When he reaches his room, he sees a freshly showered Kai wrapped up in a quilt, shivering slightly. He hurries over to him and puts the tray on the bedside table before taking out a warm fluffy blanket from the bottom shelf of the almirah.

"Take this, Kai." Zen unwraps the quilt from around his shivering husband and covers him with the blanket.

"I can eat myself." Kai sniffs through his blocked nose again. Zen doesn't reply and brings the spoon to Kai's lips, urging him to open his mouth. Kai obliges and eats, secretly enjoying the tender care of his husband. His heart feels warm when he looks at Zen's striking silver eyes which are filled with love and a bit of worry for him. How can he remain angry when Zen treats him with so much love? He can feel his resolve of leaving this mansion for a few days breaking.

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