10) New Bonds

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The two days leave becomes four days leave because Kai was too tired the next day to do anything. They spent the afternoon at the beach house itself and they arrive at their home at the night time. They didn't have a chance to meet their guests as everybody was already asleep. Next day, Kai was too tired to do anything. He slept in.

Now, it's Saturday already. Thankfully, he informed the authorities that he is not well so he can't take the classes. He comes to know that a new professor is hired who took his classes for him as his schedule is not yet prepared. He takes note to thank him on Monday.

Zen comes in the bedroom looking pissed as Kai rubs his eyes, still feeling sleepy. He checks the time and it's ten in the morning. Damn, he was really tired.

"Good morning." Kai yawns as he wishes his husband who looks ready to murder someone. What's gotten into him?

Zen climbs the bed and tackles Kai so he's lying back on the bed as Zen buries his nose in his neck. "Why so grumpy?" Kai asks, caressing his husband's hair. So soft.

"Nothing. Met aunt Amira downstairs. She gave me the same old lecture. Get married, settle down, etcetera, etcetera." Zen mumbles in his neck and Kai groans. Same old shit. When will these people stop? It's Zen's life and they need to butt off! Hmph!

"I will not go down. I'll camp here for two days." This makes Zen chuckle and he looks at his adorable husband who is pouting. "No need. I won't let them bully you." Zen pecks Kai's lips who frantically pushes Zen off him and sits up, wiping his lips. "I didn't brush yet, you animal!" he scolds Zen who just shakes his head.

Kai makes a dash for the bathroom before he gets attacked by Zen again. The wonders of married life.


"What do I do now?" Keit whines and puts his head down on the table. Flora is laughing her ass out and Mitch and Theo are shell shocked. Keit just told him about the challenge Stephanie gave him. Keit's bad luck is really really bad.

"Bro, what the hell? How do you get yourself in such situations? I mean come on! Change your face!" Theo snaps and Flora spits out water she was drinking. They are Keit's favorite pizza place and Millie comes with their order, flashing a bright smile at Keit who is now looking at her as if she is an angel. She brought pizza to him. She definitely is an angel!

"I don't know why she is after me!" Keit starts whining again after taking a bite of the pizza slice. "I say she is attracted to you!" Flora says and the three boys look at her like she is crazy. Which she is because.. come on.. Stephanie? Likes Keit? What the hell!

"You do drugs?" Mitch asks her and she pouts. "Achara has some work so she left for her home. She will meet us on Monday." She informs them as she reads the message on her phone. The boys hum.

"I have a bad feeling. She will find something really embarrassing for you." Theo says as he stuffs his mouth with the pizza slice. Keit gives him a stink eye. WOW, thanks for the support. Hmph!

"I'm screwed." Keit says and he receives yes by all three of his friends.

"You are supposed to encourage me."

"We're being honest dude. Can't let you live in a fantasy world where you can out do Stephanie, the bitch." Thanks flora, for calling her a bitch.

"Hi guys!" a girl comes and sits beside Flora and Flora lets out a shriek.

"You're here! Guys, this is my friend Achara. Achara, they are my friends' Mitch, Keit and Theo." Flora introduces us one by one. Even though they have talked over the phone but it is the first time they came face to face with each other.

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