"Why don't we say it at the same time?" Adam suggests, perhaps thinking the same.

Nodding my head in agreement, I wait for him to put down his final finger and blurt out "I got a raise" at the same time as he does.

Grinning impossibly wider, Adam reaches over the desk to give me a high-five.

"We're crushing it, huh?" He grabs his own handful of candies and props his feet up on his desk, leaning back in his chair as he drops the M&Ms into his mouth in one big toss.

"Definitely." I wish I wasn't so tired so that I could feel more excited. I get a sudden, painful urge to share the news with Beau, still the first one I think of when something big happens.

"We should celebrate." Adam points a finger at me enthusiastically. "Drinks? Tonight after work? We can go home to change and I'll come grab you?"

A rush of panic washes over me. "How about dinner?" I urge, knowing there's no way I can dodge alcohol all night if the whole point is getting drinks. "Somewhere fancy. Like you said, we're crushing it. We deserve it, right?"

Rubbing his jaw as if contemplating the idea, Adam nods in agreement finally, smile growing over his full lips. "I'll call around this afternoon - see who might have a table open. I'll update you."

Immediately relieved, I feel my heart rate slowing. "Sounds perfect."

Not quite, but it'll do.

I'm not even out the door before I hear Adam on the phone with a hostess.

"Yep, exactly. Just the two of us."

With one last look over my shoulder, I smile at my friend. Giving me a preoccupied wave, he moves the phone from his lips and mouths a silent, "I've got this." before ushering me out of his office.


"How's the soup?" I scrunch my nose at the strong scent of French onion wafting over the table towards me. Shifting in my seat, I notice the tightness of my black dress across my midsection and wince. Hopefully it's not too obvious to everybody else. Black is flattering, no?

"Delicious." Adam shakes his head, bringing his fingers to his lips to kiss them. "I can't believe you don't like soup."

"Most soups." I correct him, picking at my Caesar salad. I'd been hoping for more croutons. I'm more interested in the main course anyways - a stuffed chicken breast that had my mouth watering as soon as I read the description.

I peer around the restaurant, noting the couples holding hands over the pressed linen tablecloths. Tall glasses of champagne and wine twinkle under the crystal chandeliers dangling from the ceiling on almost every table. My eyes fall on Adam's red wine and my stomach twists as I sip my sparkling water.

"Taking a break from wine," I told him, hoping it was casual enough that he wouldn't ask questions. Because he's Adam and he knows when to let things go, he didn't.

"Here we go," Adam claps his hands together as our waitress returns, carrying a large silver platter over her shoulder.

Adam's eyes go wide like a child's as she places a dish of lamb chops in front of him, a heaping serving of potatoes and veggies perfectly placed around the meat. I inhale deeply as my own dinner is set before me, the sweet smell of the sauce making my stomach growl.

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