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Emma sways back and forth to the music, her gown sashaying around her long legs as she does, Maggie on her hip as they scour the buffet line with Nadine, Gemma, Jess, and Kim. I notice Val's absence and smirk when I see that Zach is missing from my side of the table, too. Only his suit jacket remains on the back of his chair.

Ah, lovebirds.

Probably hooking up somewhere in my house.


I'll find a way to make Zach squirm about that once we're back from our honeymoon. For now, just enjoying the view - my stunningly beautiful bride, feasting on finger food - is enough.

My eyes trail Emma's every move, my mind still stuck on the absurdity of it all.

That woman is my wife. Emma. The most loving and simply good person I have ever met. She's agreed to put up with me forever. Me.

There will never be a morning when I wake up without Emma beside me.

That right there makes me the luckiest man alive.

A faint smile crosses my lips as she dips her head back in laughter, our daughter quickly imitating her, the reception taking place all around them.

"So fuck me, huh?"

My attention is torn away from watching my girls and fixes instead on Parker, a smug grin on his face. He pulls out the chair beside me and turns it backwards, so he's resting his heaping plate of food on the back of it.

"Hm?" I narrow my eyes at him, before flickering back to Emma, the shape of her spine in the open back of her dress almost making my mouth water.

"You said it clear as day, man. I'm not Emma, and I'm not Maggie." Parker stuffs a bite of creamy pasta into his mouth, speaking when it's full. "So fuck me, right?"

I roll my eyes, unbuttoning my cuff links and pushing my sleeves up my forearms.

"Says the kid still living in my guest bedroom."

He doesn't miss a beat, nodding his head as he shovels more food down his throat. "Point taken." Parker wipes his mouth quickly. "Don't worry, I won't tell Emma that your love is really split three ways instead of two."

Another eye roll.

But Emma is walking over now, Gemma giggling with Maggie in tow behind her, so I keep my voice low and fast.

"And I won't tell Emma how badly you want to fuck her friend, how's that for a deal?"

I wink as Parker's face pales, his fork hitting his plate as he watches Gemma come even closer. His cheeks reddening, he quickly gets off my back and bee lines back to the buffet before the girls are sitting beside me.

I chuckle to myself, shrugging it off when Emma asks what's funny. She settles into my waiting lap and I nestle my face into her neck, more than ready to get this whole party over with.

Our honeymoon awaits. And while I'm excited to see Emma's reaction to the surprise trip I have planned, I'm more excited for the honeymoon festivities than anything else.

Two weeks of uninterrupted, adult, alone time.

I grab Maggie from Gemma and kiss her cheek, sticky with whatever treats Gemma let her get into.

I love my daughter, but my God, I need to have sex with my wife.

No interruptions, no trying to be quiet, just sex. All day if we want. And all night.

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