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The next stop on our itinerary is the one that bums me out the most - only because it's probably the best of the night. The red neon light promising a classic western experience flickers overhead, the rowdy country music and heavy stomps of line dancing greeting us as the faux saloon doors swing open.

Handing my ID to the bouncer, I scan the dimly lit bar, easily spotting the main reason we came.

"Oh, my God, Emmie! There it is!" Gemma squeals, tugging my arm as she practically jumps up and down in place.

I laugh just as the MC, boasting a pretend Southern accent, invites any challengers to take on the huge mechanical bull, spinning slowly in the center of a large, inflatable ring. The lights dim even darker and the bull blows steam from it's nostrils, the huge ring there gleaming in the red overhead light. The crowd gets louder, a rowdy group of men trying to shove their friend into the ring.

Pulling me by the hand, Gemma pushes us through the crowd, tiny body oddly forceful in her inebriated state. I grab Nadine's hand and hang back as Gemma finally breaks into the opening at the same time as the man is ultimately shoved inside.

Hands on her hips, Gemma stares up at him challengingly, refusing to step aside and wait her turn.

"Is she really going to do it?" Laney wonders out loud, nose crinkled in disgust. "It's probably so dirty."

I roll my eyes, cheering Gemma on as the man finally surrenders. Hands raised in defeat, he returns to his booing group of friends, leaving my little friend alone with the beast.

I take my phone from my pocket and steady my camera. Item fifteen on our Scavenger Hunt: Catch Gemma doing something wild. Double points for every photo after the first.

Raising her hands in the air, she eggs the crowd on. The applause battles against the alarm sound now blaring through the speakers as smoke spills out of the sides of the pen.

"Go Gemma!" Nadine hollers, putting her arm through mine.

The MC shouts into the microphone, "Who do we have here tonight?"

"Gemma!" She answers hastily, struggling to pull her small body onto the large machine. "I'm getting married," Her voice is gleeful but labored as she swings a leg over the saddle.

"Getting married," The DJ bellows. "Let's all give Gemma a round of applause!"

"Woo, Gemma!" I cup my hands around my mouth but it makes no difference, there's no way she can hear me anyways. Still the hooting and hollering is fun.

"And good luck to you!" The man makes a big show about pressing the button in front of him and immediately, the bull starts to swivel.

Slowly at first, before it begins to pick up speed. Gemma holds on tightly with both hands, a wide but determined grin on her face as the machine goes quicker, it's movements becoming more jarring and erratic. More comfortable now, Gemma lifts one hand from the strap, holding the other over her head like a real bull rider.

The crowd goes crazy watching the timer as she nears the night's record of a whole minute. Eating up the attention, her smile grows larger with each tiring second she manages to cling onto the bull. With one last buck, Gemma finally flies off the front, her petite frame collapsing like a sack of potatoes against the inflatable wall.

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