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The living room in this shitty apartment isn't big enough for me to properly pace. I need to release this energy, this frustration.

It's bad enough that I can't call Emma mine. Can't touch her, kiss her, when I want.

It's worse that she's spending a weekend with Adam.

And it's the absolute fucking worst that I can't sock the prick for thinking he can tell me what Emma deserves. Like I don't already know.

Emma wouldn't like it if I hit her friend.

Zeus whines loudly, following my every step with his puppy eyes. I glance at him, as if he could give me advice, say something to calm me down. He cocks his head to the side, big ears pointed forward to listen.

It's not even an hour of being home when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I almost ignore it, I try to.

What if it's Emma?

Sighing, I finally grab it, momentarily clever enough to check the Caller ID.

Jesus Christ. What do I have to do to get some peace?

"What?" I press the phone to my ear, giving Zeus a head scratch with my other hand as I sink to a spot at my kitchen table.

"Hello to you, too." Zoey murmurs. The rhythmic hum of traffic wanes in the background. Baby crying, of course, he's always crying. "I just took a visit to see my mother - she moved once she and my dad split up so I don't see her as much. Brought Jack-Jack to see his Gran."

My eyes roll to the ceiling, frustration grinding my teeth together. "And?"

What the fuck does this have to do with me?

Zoey scoffs, having the nerve to sound offended. "And I was hoping I could stop by, I'm only like, an hour or so away."

"Only an hour or so." I narrow my eyes. "Not exactly on the way, is it?"

"Look, Beau. I've given a lot of thought to how we can see Max. Just let me come by and explain it in person."

Fuck. Why'd she have to say the kids name?

Zoey latches onto my silence, speaking louder over the shrill cries of her baby. "Please, Beau? Just hear me out. If you don't like it, I'll leave it alone." A pause. "I'll leave you alone."

I perk up at the offer, hand stilling in my hair. "If I hear you out, and I say no... That's it? You swear?"

Zoey sighs, her voice sounding deflated when she finally replies. "Even better, Beau, I'll pinky-promise."

My jaw ticks, fingers resuming their assault on my hair.

"You remember how we used to-"

"Yeah." I snap, cutting her off completely. "I remember. See you in an hour or so."

I hang up.

This is it - it'll be easy.

"Hear" her out.

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