1. Unanswered Questions

Start from the beginning

Suddenly Percy was stumbling towards the ground before someone reached out and pulled her up.

Before her stood a lanky teen around her age with dark curly hair trimmed neatly at the sides but wild on top, his eyes were a light blue, the muscles on his arms and the callouses on his hands told Percy was an archer and Percy couldn't help but think he looked familiar, an apologetic look was on his face. "Sorry 'bout that, I didn't see you."

Percy, being the kind and considerate person that she is, smiled at him kindly. "It's no problem, you caught me in the end so there's no harm done."
He smiled at her gratefully, before suddenly straightening and staring at her with wide eyes.

"Wait you don't happen to be Perseus Jackson do you?"
The use of her full name immediately put the demigod daughter of Poseidon on edge as she shoved her hand into her pocket, gripping Riptide firmly in her hand. "Yeah..."

His face lit up in awe, "Wow it's an honour, really it is. I've heard about the saviour of Olympus, Will speaks highly of you."
Percy looked at him wearily, she could've sworn that she'd never seen him before.
Seeing the confusion written on her face the dude decided to explain.

"Oh sorry, I'm Dolion son of Apollo I came to camp half-blood whilst you were fighting in the Giant War."
He winced as he realized how inconsiderate he sounded as he spoke of the war that cost her the life of her best friend. "Sorry."

Percy shook her head, "it's fine, really." From the corner of her eye she saw her brother slowly making his way back towards her. Eyeing Dolion suspiciously.
"My family lives in Gotham so I'm visiting for Christmas. Don't you live in Gotham now too? Maybe we'll see each other!"

Percy hesitated before nodding. "Yeah see you around... I guess..." She hurried off to Jason grabbing the chilli dog and shoving it into her mouth. "Hey that was mine!"
She opened her mouth wide and tilted her head back for Jason to see.
"Your welcome to have it back."

Jason playfully smacked her over the head, before looking back to where she was standing with Dolion just moments ago. "Who was that skinny kid?"

She swallowed her mouthful of food before answering. "It was no one, just a son of Apollo..."
Jason looked at her with a look of astonishment. "How many of you are there? And how hasn't anyone noticed?!"

Percy couldn't help but laugh at the look in his eye, "there is only a couple hundred, it was pure luck that I ran into him."
Although it's unlikely that was a coincidence, meeting a new demigod that I've never met and him recognizing me? I mean I know I'm famous in the godly world, but only Tony Hawk level fame.
Dolion also happens to be a Greek name...

"And don't be too hard on yourself, there is this thing called the Mist it hides the godly world from mortal eyes, makes you see what you want to see. Although there are those that can see through it."

They walked in silence for a couple blocks until they were almost to Jason's motorcycle, "There's so much I don't know about you."
Percy didn't miss how her brother's voice cracked as he spoke.

Percy paused in her steps, causing Jason to look up as well. "Jay you can't just magically know about the godly world one day..." Percy frowned and looked off into the distance before shaking her head.
"Actually you probably could but that's not the point. The point is it's gonna take some getting used to. You also don't have to worry about me, I've been doing this since I was twelve."

She heard her brother mumble to himself as he tossed her the helmet, "Come on let's go home."


As they raced down the streets of Gotham Percy couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
I'm just imagining it.
But she knew she wasn't.

Whoever, whatever it was would surely mean certain doom for Percy's new life.
She just didn't know how much yet.


Please read.

Firstly I would just like to say I originally didn't plan on making a sequel. I planned on just ending it with Percy staying at the Waynes, so updates will most likely be a lot slower and chapters a lot cheesier as I just don't have as much passion for this book as the other.

For this story I have the beginning and the ending planned out, so I'll need lots of filler in order for this book to be longer.
So if you have an idea feel free to tell me and I might just add it in.

Merry Christmas my dudes and try not to get run over by a rain deer:)


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