backstories shared

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A/n: oof forgot that this was a thing yesterday lets get on with it

After science wich flipping sucked we made it to lunch i decided to hangout with my first ever friends i planned on telling them what happened to me this morning about the flower
"Alright Y/N how about you go first then me so its even we want to learn more about you since you are going to be our friend" chara
"Ok ever since my mom died during giving birth my dad blamed me and that this was my fault that the love of his life died so he would beat me saying how he would give me up just to get her back but this stopped when he met my step-mom which is just a plain bi*ch to me because she just wanted my dads money and never wanted a step-son, eventually my dad married her because he fell for her tricks and had another son which is my step-brother now who is the only one i care about because he never did anything wrong he is probably the only reason im alive right now, i still have scars from when i was hit he** i got a stab wound from when my dad 'accidently' dropped a knife on me, my step-mom just never let me out and my dad always agreed with her because he didnt want her to leave him." I just noticed that i had tears streaming down my cheek i never had  talked to anyone that would listen to me i also just noticed that chara was hugging my trying to comfort me i blushed a small amount

"Im sorry i shouldnt have said any thing your sweater got all ruined"
"Thats fine lets make it even a long time ago i fell into mount ebbot because of people calling me a demon for my red eyes i ran to the mountain so i wouldnt get hurt anymore and i was right, when i fell the king and queen took me in understanding on what i had been through and asriel was their child and i was best friends with i soon got curious on why monsters were not on the surface and i learned that you can get through the barrier with the power of a monster and human soul and so i asked asriel to help because the king and queen would obviously be against this and i got asriel to help because this would free all the monsters and he would see the sun and we would spiratlly connected so our plan was he would absorb my soul and get six other souls and break the barrier of course this went horibly wrong and we both died and we caused the underground so much despair the only reason why i am even alive and right here is because frisk gave me a piece of her soul and we are currently working on finding flowey so we can get asriel back and that flowey cant take over the world because there are billions of humans and he can easily get souls." Chara
"Hold on is flowey a buttercup flower with a face that constantly changes"
"Yes?" Frisk
"I saw him earlier today with him wanting to take my soul but saying it was special"
"Hold it was special and where did you see him last"
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm HMmmmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMMMMM"
Take two
"I saw him down in an alley and here is my soul i dont know if this is strange"
You show them your soul which was green with small cracks of hatred in case you didnt read the bio chapter and if you didnt what are you doing with your life
"Oh that is special it looks like kindness but it has black in it maybe you should come with us after school to alphys lab maybe she knows what is going on with your soul" frisk
After that the bell rang and you all headed to your next class

A/n: sorry for not making a chapter yesterday and the voting is still up for the spirts name if yall dont choose i will by random ok well c yaa laters

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