shift of boredom

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A/n: i got nothing else to do yall are lucky to get a chapter tonight this is also the intro now
Chara P.O.V.

As soon as we got home frisk started teasing immeadialtly
Frisk: "so what do you like about him"
I decided to just play dumb
Chara: "about who what are you talking about"
Frisk: "you know who im talking about i saw you holding his hand"
Chara: "okay i know who you are talking about but why do you want to know"
Frisk: "i just want to help you get him so what do you like"
Chara: "well hes kind thats for sure he wanted to know how im like he listened to me, hes also interesting with his soul and he just wants to be kind to everyone and he is also cute"
Frisk then got a huge smile on his face
Frisk: "mom dad chara likes someone!!!"
Toriel and sans walked into the room sans had a bigger than usual smile and laughing and toriel was jumping up and down and had tears growing in her eyes <yes i ship soriel>
Toriel: "okay who is he is it the boy that has been looking at you maybe the human you talked to last week who is it tell me"
Sans: "you liking someone frisk is this a joke because this is so funny"
Frisk: "i think chara should tell you"
Chara: "do you know the new kid at school who came into your class today"
Toriel: "oh my god i should have known this is the happiest day of my life my daughter has a crush"
Sans: "huh that kid i saw him earlier today at the lab"
Chara: "okay i need to do homework now"
I walk upstairs and set up my homework
I then get a text from a unknown number
Chara's thoughts: 'must be another creep wait did'nt i give Y/n my number earlier but what should i save his number after maybe my chocolate'
My chocolate

You: hey
Chara: who is this
You: its Y/n you gave me your number earlier
So it is him great im glad he texted me
Chara: oh yea
You: so i just got home and thought we should start planning for tommorow ya know
Chara: oh yeah is your brother coming
You: yes he is when i told him that we were all going he went ecstatic
Chara: huh sounds like hes nice
You: yup hes very cool
You: but i have to talk with my step-mom and i dont know how shes going to react to me having friends or even leaving home she treats me like a child when my dad is around but when she is'nt she beats the cr*p out of me and claims its dicipline she just wants him for his money and d*ck
I feel bad for him but decide to say something to lighten the mood
Chara: thats rough buddy
You: lol
Wait i perfectly know how to finish that sentence
Chara: get rekt you fat scrub man
You: ;-; im not fat im pretty skinny actually
Chara: i know just finishing your sentence
You: its funny how we both have the same sense of humor
Im glad that we both have the same sense of humor something we both have in common
Chara: it sure is i have to get back to my homework now
You: same C yaa laters
Chara: what a weird catchphrase bye

I drop my phone and start to get my work done then i heard my door open
Frisk: "so did you ask him out"
Chara: "what no we barely met today how do i know if he likes me back"
Frisk: "he blushed when you guys tried to explain yourself its obvious he likes you"
Chara: "well its too soon to ask him out we barely met"
Frisk: "well did he text you he was bold to ask for your number"
Chara: "yeah he started texting me a couple minutes ago we have the same sense of humor"
Frisk: "ok let me look at what you said to him"
Frisk then peoceeds to look at my texts and the only thing she seemed to look at was what i saved him after
Frisk: "so thats how badly you want to taste him"
Chara: "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!"
Frisk: "okay no need to yell, i also want to be an aunt to two children"
She says the last part running out the best i did was throw a knife at her im just extra tired after today"
Then after i finished my work i heard the fire alarm i quickly run downstairs and see papyrus cooking while toriel tries to pull him away from the stove

Toriel: "payrus you accidently put buttercups instead of butter you can get us all very sick"
Sans: "yeah bro you should stop we can just get takeout instead"
While all of this was happening frisk was watching with popcorn where did she even get you know what i dont even care

Toriel: "well since papyrus broke the stove and fire alarm beyond repair we will have to be eating at mcmonsters tonight
Papyrus: "YAY"
We all then hop into moms car and head to mcmonsters this can only go so well

Your P.O.V.
I finally arrive and clock in and get to my casheir and then my co-worker spoke up
Bob: "HeY y/N hOw wAS ScHoOl ToDay i h3Ard ThAt YoU wENt tO ThE DoCtoRs Did YOu get into A fIghT"
You: "shut up bob im not dealing with your cr*p today"
Bob: "RuDE"
I then watch as bob tries to flirt with the other co-workers but gets pushed into the fryer this is the only thing i can do other than serve custumors
Bob: "aH mY OuvAriEs"

Warren: "hey Y/n ma man how was school"
Warren was your boss and was like a dad to you unlike your other one
You: "good i got some friends and went to get a check up at the clinic"
Warren: "oh got anyone that you're interested in"
Warren obvioisly said this sarcasticly he knows you are'nt going to be interested in someone
You: "actually im interested in this girl    i met today"
Warren: "wait fo real"
You: "yeah her name is chara and she has these eyes that glow like rubies and brown hair that is so beautifal and her green and yellow striped shirt just ties her all together like a bow on a christmas present"
You then realize you what you were saying and stopped there
Warren: "heh need any advice might help"
You: "nah i think i can solo this myself i'll ask if i need any"
Warren: "okay i need to check on bob and make sure he does'nt sexually assualt anyone"
Then chara and her family walked in

Chara's P.O.V.
We entered mcmonsters and i missed this smell we used to come here when we were younger but stopped
I then saw Y/n oh my god i cant escape him im always thinking about him he would text me ughh
We walked up to the cashier
You: "hello welcome to the clown motel"
Five minutes later
Sans starts speaking wing dings
You: "what the f*ck is he saying i dont speak taco bell"

Take two
You: "welcome to mcmonsters what can i get you"
Toriel: "Y/n is that you"
You: "oh yeah hey ms. Toriel"
Toriel: "please just call me toriel outside of school"
Sans: "sup kid the names sans i saw you at the lab earlier i saw your soul results you're pretty special"
You: "i know my break is coming up i can catch dinner with you here hows that sound"
Toriel: "that sounds delightful that you can join us Y/n"
Your P.O.V.
They then proceed to order and i pay for it and i sit down with them and they were fun to be around it almost felt like family i did'nt have to have my guard up and they did'nt talk badly about me i ended up becoming best friends with sans and my bond with toriel got stronger i saw her as a mother she were very accepting of me and papyrus said he wanted to meet my brother and wanted to go to the movies with us what a night 
My shift eventually ended and we all headed home

A/n: phew i just wrote 1,473 words im so proud of myself i hope you enjoyed but as always
C yaa laters

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