It's actually him...

Mulai dari awal

"Karma-kun and Fuwa-san move eight seats right"

"Isogai-kun five seats left!!"

"Hes shuffling them?!" The assassin thought

"{Y/n} two rows forward!" Nodding I crawled under the seats while trying to avoid being seen; I can tell he was trying to see movement since his eyes started darting everywhere

"Bastard is trying to throw me off?! But yet he's telling me their names and positions with every command. It'll be too easy once I have them memorized" The adult pointed his gun calmly into towards the seats

"Student number 12!!" Sensei voice became more louder if that's even possible

"Move right and continue preparations!"

"Number 4 and 6 film the target from between the seats!"

"Use Ritsu as a way to help Chiba!" I shouted from my position between the seats

"Ponytail move to the front left!"

"Foreigner proceed as needed!"

Pausing slightly I needed to figure out a way to immobilize him and the only way I can do so is to get closer...

Suddenly I see a flash of red hair run near me; glancing over Karma signaled which row would be better for me to go towards. Nodding I ran as fast as I can without injuring myself further

"The person who visited Takebayashi-kuns favorite maid café out of curiosity and was alarmed to find he liked it, make a big racket to confuse the enemy!" Sensei shouted

Terasaka soon started banging on the back of different seats "SHUT UP!!"

"Chiba-kun its time. After I give this next command, fire at will"

"ARGH!! Where are you damnit!?" The man yelled in frustration as he pointed the gun recklessly around

"Hayami-san support him as the situation required. You're looking to block off the enemy movements. But, a word of advice for you two don't let your feelings show: when you failed to shoot me down earlier today, you began to doubt your own skill. But its all right, you don't have to bear all that pressure alone.

"If you two miss we'll switch to plan B; switch to someone more powerful! We can use that strategy because everyone here has gone through training and tasted failure You have allies at your side who have shared experience. With that in mind, go ahead and fire"

"Student 12 was the only one who hasn't moved, And yet they're breathing heavily like they are planning something. The second they pop up in that area I'll shoot to kill" The assassin places his gun in his mouth as he waits for the command for student 12 to stand

And right on cue sensei finally shouts "Student 12!! Stand and fire!!!"

I created a mud statue shaped like a student and rose him from the seat. Taking the bait he shoots and aim for the head.

The man froze with his eyes widen when he saw the 'student' he shot was just a muddy dummy!?

"That's where you need to aim" Ritsu spoke quietly to Chiba through his phone

Gaining his confidence Chiba popped out if his spot behind the chairs and stood in the aisle and shot his gun

The assassin began to smile when he noticed the child has missed. "You missed. Now I know where the second one-"

He was cut off by one of the stage pillars crashing into his body full force. Stumbling he growled at the student, aiming his gun again but only for it to be shot out if his hand

The Assassination Classroom is real?!  (Various x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang