They're here!

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I lay in my room, I stared at the ceiling as the window of my room was open; letting the cool breeze keep the room at a decent temperature. A sigh escaped my lips, so much had happened, so much I wanted to know and way more stuff I want to say. But can I? Is it really safe to? I mean any body would freak out if they hear their entire existence was made up; I figured Ciel and Sebastian wouldn't freak out as much, but people in class E would. Especially since everyone keeps asking how do I know everything.
I grabbed my hair in frustration as I turned to lay on my side.

"This is so frustrating!!!!" I didn't care if I woke up Ciel, well he will probably yell at me but still. "Ciel and Sebastian knows a little about what I know but not the full detail...god should I even tell him?"

I was going to talk out loud again when I heard a deep voice in my room.

"Tell the young master what exactly?" It spoke. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at the dark figure hiding in the shadows. A small chuckle escaped the mans lips.
"My my someone sure have energy this late at night m'lady" Sebastian spoke, walking towards the moonlight so I can see him better

"Well apparently I do since a certain demon thinks it's okay to give their guests a heart attack!"

"My deepest apologies. I just came to make sure everything was ok. Is it?" He raised an eyebrow while walking closer to my bed.

I gave a small sigh while pulling my knees to my chest. "I don't know. There's so much that I don't understand and theirs a lot of information that I feel like I know but I cant grasp it. Its like I am in a game with no clear path to the end, their are routs that seems to lead to the exit but it just throws another obstacle in my way, or I feel like I know the answer but I just cant see it." I looked up at the demon as he stared at me with concerned eyes. "How do you know what your next move should be? I cant just wing it this whole time?"

"My my that's some reference you have summoned. But to be completely honest with you I don't always have a plan. There are many times where my plan had change and I needed to come up with something on the spot. I try and analyze the new information give the best way I can, and I even sometimes 'wing it' as you say." Sebastian by now was sitting at the end of my bed looking out the window.

A sigh escaped my lip. God why is it happening the way it is? Will everything really go back to normal? Or will I be stuck alone..? Just the thought of not being with my family brought tears to my eyes. Sebastian reached over to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall.

"The last time you were here you shared how you felt, releasing all the build up emotions that you never showed, it worried me. I, a demon from hell, wanted to help a human. Hehe never would I have thought I will ever think that. But that even made the young master even more determined to try and help you as well. Hes used to things that people call 'the unexplained' but this is more than such. He wants to be there and help you see the end of this crazy ordeal. And I think that should be a good reason for you to keep doing what you are doing, even if it means not knowing what your next move will be. Young {y/n} I do not know exactly what is happening, nor do I know exactly how serious the situation is but the young master and I will help you." Sebastian stood up when he noticed that I curled up in the bed hugging a pillow.

He tucked me in by pulling the blanket over my body, he was about to walk away when I spoke quietly, "C-Can you stay until I fall asleep....I don't like being lonely" I asked shyly, not wanting to admit I didn't want to be alone.

I can see his mouth curl into a smile, "Of course" He sat down in the bed over the covers. With that that I slowly drifted off to sleep.

--Time skip to morning!!--
{Y/N} slept in her bed while Ciel and Sebastian began to prepare for the forceful visit.

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