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It was finally time for the Christmas party Slughorn was hosting for the members of his Slug Club. I was wearing a dark red dress with gold heels matching my dress.

I was walking down the hallway where I agreed to meet Leo by the entrance. He was wearing a black regular dress robe. "Is that the same one from the Yule Ball?" I chuckled, giving him a hug.

"God no, it's new actually," he huffed, rolling his eyes playfully. 

We entered the room only to have the scent of roast chicken stuff our noses, "If there isn't roast chicken then I'll pull a Malfoy." We chuckled at his comment and walked further inside, taking the scene before us.

"Miss Vanderwal!" Slughorn beamed, pulling me towards the camera for a picture. 

I posed with the professor sharply knowing this will be put in the newspapers for my father to see. "Evening professor, what a lovely party you held," I smiled.

He chuckled slightly, bopping me on the nose. I waved him goodbye as I went to go find my date but bumped into someone. "Harry! Hello," I apologised, giving my best friend a hug.

"Coraline, you look well. Have you seen Luna or Hermione?" He asked, looking around the room.

I shook my head, "Hermione, not yet. Luna, yes but why do you need Luna?"

"She's my date but not like that," he explained. I nodded my head knowing what a sweet girl Luna is also knowing Harry has a type for a certain ginger.

"Well, Luna's behind you," I pointed and he mumbled thanks before walking towards her to start conversation.

I saw someone holding a tray of drinks and walked up to them hoping to grab a refreshment, "Pardon, me. Can I have- Oh, nevermind."

Seamus turned around, shooting me daggers once he realised who I was, "Of course you'd be here." 

I let out a laugh before looking him up and down, "And of course you'd be wearing workers outfits at a party, Finnigan. Do yourself a favour and at least try to be known."

He shoved a drink in my hand before shoving past me. Asshole

I looked around to see Harry walking into the curtains, odd. I walked in after him only to see him talking to Hermione, "Why may I ask you two are in the curtains?"

"She's hiding from Cormac," Harry sniggered, earning a slap from Hermione. I gave her a confused look, she hates Cormac. He was practically all over her at the Quidditch tryouts.

"I thought it would annoy Ron the most, okay?" She groaned, hugging herself.

I chuckled slightly, putting my hands up in defence - not needing a slap from her too. "Dragon tarter?" A worker comes up to us, offering us food.

I shook my head politely, "Very well. They give one horribly bad breath." Without a second thought, Hermione yanked the platter off of the gentleman and began stuffing her face.

Harry and I looked at her before she shoved the platter in Harry's hand, "Oh god, here he comes."

"You've got this one, Harry," I giggled, patting his shoulder before exiting the curtains to go find my date.

I saw Leo in a corner with Ginny and Luna, he was blushing terribly as Luna began talking to him. Since I started talking to my friends again, Ginny and I have somewhat reconciled our awkward friendship. I gave Ron permission to let her know about my past and she felt horrible, I didn't need pity but knowing I had another friend back was comforting.

Couldn't say the same about the other Gryffindor's - majority of them.

"Hello, what are we talking about?" I asked, giving Luna and Ginny a quick hug as I leaned against Leo.

"Luna's found a few nargles the other day, said she nearly had a stroke," Ginny snickered, earning a glare from Leo.

I chuckle slightly as I placed a hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you. It was very traumatic," she smiled as she placed her hand on top of mine.

"So, how are you guys enjoying the party?" I asked but was taken back when Ginny and Leo groaned in unison.

"It's dreadful, there is nothing to do," Leo groaned, Ginny nodding in agreement. 

Luna was about to say something but the door was yanked opened and Filch walked in, dragging an irritated blonde along with him.

I quickly followed them inside, I went and stood by Harry who was invested in what was going on.

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party," Filch drags on.

"Okay okay, I was gatecrashing," Draco gave in, trying to remove himself from Filch's grip.

I was about to walk over to him when Snape brushed past me, "I'll escort him out," he dulled. 

"Certainly, professor," he glared, shrugging himself off of Filch's grip.

The two walked out and I walked after them before I was held back, "I'm coming." 

Harry and I walked out, following the two. We hid behind a wall as we heard someone being slammed against the wall, "I swore to protect you. I made the unbreakable vow."

I looked at Harry who in response shrugged his shoulders, clearly knowing nothing about an unbreakable vow.

"I don't need protection, I was chosen for this. Out of everyone, he chose me. I won't fail him," Draco whispered.

I leaned against Harry, confused by all of this but then he said the words I never thought he would say. 

"I'm doing this for her!"

My head jolted up and my heart stopped for a solid second, not knowing what to do I just stared at Harry who was as equally shocked and confused.

AN: I love this Draco scene so much...ughhh

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