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It was now mid-April, Umbridge has pretty much caught on to what we are doing but never exactly caught us. I was in the RoR with the DA, Harry was teaching us the Patronus charm. It's apparently one of the hardest charms to conjure, not even the school can teach us.

"Make it a powerful memory," Harry says, walking around everyone to check how we're doing.

I was with Leo who was trying to help me conjure my charm. His Patronus was a horse which confused me at first. I was one of the last remaining few who hadn't been able to conjure a charm.

"Think of a happy memory, Coraline. Allow it to fill you up," Harry exaggerated. 

I tried my hardest to think of one but I couldn't, my memories were either depressing or average. There was one I could try...

*Train Ride to Hogwarts - 1991*

I'm trying to look for a seat but everywhere is full. I look at the last carriage to see two boys sitting inside, a ginger and a brunette. They look busy so I carry on walking, hopefully I can find somewhere.

I was about to give up when I saw a carriage with my best friend in it - Pansy Parkinson. I owled her how I don't want anyone to know about me and being the best friend she is, she respected my wishes.

I knocked on their carriage door before I opened it, "Mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full." She nodded her head, gesturing for me to sit next to her blonde companion.

There were four others in this carriage my best friend Pansy, a blonde-haired boy along with two rather plumped shape boys.

"I'm Coraline Scott. Nice to meet you all," I extended my hand to Pansy before I shook everyone else's.

She giggled slightly before smiling at me, "I'm Pansy Parkinson and that's Crabbe, Goyle and Draco." I waved at them before sitting awkwardly next to the blonde boy who wouldn't stop staring at me.

"You're pretty!" The blonde, Draco, blurted out. I looked at him, my cheeks growing rosy as I was a bit shy. "Thank you," I shyly smiled at him.

One of the other boys, who was stuffing his face with beans, mumbled, "Yeah, you are. You have pretty hair."

Pansy rolled her eyes before nodding. The blonde looked a bit frustrated, scoffing at the boys, "I saw her first. Shut up, Crabbe!" 

I looked at Pansy who shook her head, mouthing, 'ignore him'. 

"Does anyone have gum?" I asked after a whole five minutes of silence. The blonde next to me quickly went through his robes before he handed me a mint-flavoured gum.

'Thanks', I mumbled after putting it in my mouth. The blonde finally gave up staring at me so I assumed it was finally my turn, I looked at him and something caught my eye.

"That's a pretty necklace," I smiled, reaching for it to examine it. 

"Thanks. My mother gave it to me." I looked at the stone, it was a pretty stone - I think my mother has something similar to this. "Do you want it?" The boy interjected.

My eyes grew wide as I looked at him, "I couldn't. Your mother gave it to you." He shook his head as he took the necklace off and placed it around my neck.

"It's not special, don't worry. A pretty necklace for a pretty girl," he blushed. Smacking his hand over his mouth as if he didn't call me pretty 10 minutes ago.

"Thank you, Draco. I love it." I reached out as I gave him a hug. I didn't know this boy but he was so kind to me, a real gentleman.

"Promise me you'll wear it every day when we get sorted into Slytherin?" He asked as we pulled away from the hug.

I chuckled at his remark, "What makes you think I'll be in Slytherin?" He's not wrong, everyone in my family is a Slytherin and I can't wait to uphold that tradition. Maybe make them proud for once.

"Just a hunch," he says, shrugging his shoulder. "Then I promise," I laugh.

*End of memory*

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yelled as I waved the wand around me and to my surprise, a Patronus in the form of a Swan flew around me, it was so cute!

"Coraline, you did it!" Leo exclaimed as he hugged me. I did, didn't I? I was so happy, I was a little shocked to think the memory with Draco would even work but it was one of my happiest.

"Well done, kiddo!" Aiden smiled, wrapping an arm around me in a hug. 

Before I could reply, the ground began shaking as the chandelier was clanking together. Everyone gathered around each other as the rocks were crumbling and the lights were flickering on and off.

Suddenly, the glass shattered onto the floor causing me to jump, grabbing onto Leo. The twins had their wands ready, pointing at the brick wall in front of us. A ginger kid walked up to the hole in the wall and peeked through it.

A familiar, wretched voice rang through, "I'll make short work of this! Bombarda Maxima!"

Harry and the kid ran back as the wall blew up, dust appearing everywhere as we all took cover. I stood up with the rest of the DA to see Umbridge, Filch and the Inquisitorial Squad walking inside.

Draco walked in shortly after them, holding Cho Chang by the collar - that bitch! Once his eyes met mine his smirk faded away, was he even surprised?  

His eyes moved next to me to see his sister, his mouth hung open in shock as he didn't expect Ara to be here. 

"Grab them!" Umbridge giggled and we all had our wands drawn. Unfortunately, Charlie got hold of me and Leo and dragged us out of the room.

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