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That Thursday, I spent a great deal of my time with Leo. I wanted to get to know him a little more considering how fun he is. We finished our studying and he said he wanted to take me for a surprise he doesn't take anyone to this place.

"Damn...not even your girlfriends?" I asked as I was blindfolded. "Nope, imagine we break up then I'll see them there all the time. No thank you," he snorted as he dragged me down further.

To be fair, I thought I was being kidnapped at first. But eventually, we made it somewhere that I had no idea where we were. I took off my blindfold, with Leo's instructions, and stared at him.

"You took me to your common room? Leo, I'm flattered but..." I began before he burst into laughter, "Merlin Scott. I'm not here to shag you."

I gave him an awkward laugh before I saw him tickle the handle of the door which looked like a pear. The pear turned into a handle and Leo pushed it open, "Ladies first," he said, bowing down.

I looked at him weirdly before I walked forward, "Leo. I'm pretty convinced you're trying to kidnap me at this point," I chuckled nervously. "Don't worry, Gryffindor. I could never kidnap Harry Potter's bestie," he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

He grabbed hold of my shoulders and pushed me forward till we reached another door. He nodded his head towards the door and I looked at him warily before I opened the door and my eyes widened at what I saw before me.

"Leonardo Martinez, you know the way to my heart," I fake-cried as I stared at the foods before me in awe. He let out a chuckle, "I mean, what can I say? Come..." he said as he dragged my arm towards the back.

There was a table at the back with two plates with a chocolate cake covered in chocolate icing and four strawberries on top. I turned to Leo who had a smirk on his face and I ran to the cakes to eat them. "Oh Scott, we are going to be amazing friends," Leo chuckled at my reaction.

"Leo you my friend, are the best soul to ever exist on this planet," I muttered with cake in my mouth.

"Of course. How's Harry doing?" He asked as we finished our cake. "Good, I just wish everyone would stop hating him. I know my best friend, he would never sign his name up for something like this," I frowned.

He noticed my change in expression and changed the subject which I was thankful for.

An hour later, we decided to head out since he had a lesson to get to and I had a friend to find.

Walking back up, we go through the courtyard since he has a lesson and I see Harry with Ron, Seamus and Dean. My heart stops for a minute before he storms away from them, angrily. I shove past Leo and go after Harry, Ron gives me a sad look before I shake my head and follow after Harry.

"Harry..." I shouted and he stopped to turn around, "Why were you talking to Ron?" I asked him. He took a deep breath before sighing, "Long story, just come," he said and dragged me with him.

We were walking past a group of Slytherin girls when a familiar voice came to view, "Why so tense Potter?" I looked up and saw Draco who was sitting down on a tree trunk, jump off it and walk towards us with his 'posse'.

"My father and I have a bet,Potter. You see, I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament, he disagrees ..." He begins as he gets closer to us, "he thinks you won't last five," he smirks, gaining a few snickers from his friends behind.

Harry shoves past me and walks towards us, "I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy." I run towards Harry, "Harry, don't..."
"Listen to your girlfriend, Potter," he laughs with his friends. I give him a disgusted look before throwing my bag on the floor and trying to get to him but Harry holds me back.

"He's cruel, vile, and you're just pathetic," Harry spat at Malfoy before he turned me around and walked behind me.

I suddenly heard Moody and turned back around in a snap to see him cast a spell on Malfoy. Harry's eyes widen at what happens in front of us and I couldn't help but burst into laughter as Malfoy turned into a ferret.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed as I watched Moody shove ferret Malfoy down Goyle's pants. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life, Harry either.

Shortly after, McGonagall came and put an end to it which made both me and Harry pout considering how funny it was.

"Wait until my father hears about this," Malfoy yelled once he was human form. Moody started chasing him around the garden until McGonagall pulled Moody aside.

I turned to Harry who was red from the laughter, "I officially love Moody, holy hell!" Harry agreed as we watched Moody pout.

"Moody did what every teacher wants to do but can't," Harry chuckled. "Please, one word and I'll happily do the job myself," I giggled.

Moody walked towards us and said he needs to talk to Harry. I politely nodded and began to leave when Moody called out for me, "Dumbledore would like to see you, Scott. Now."

That's odd, the only time I've been to Dumbledore's office was when Moody took both Draco and I there after DADA.

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