TWENTY-EIGHT: The King Of Ziya

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The sun had almost set by the time Harudan ordered the first charge to Ziya, bathing the battlefield in shades of pinks and oranges. It was strangely beautiful, a sharp contrast to the carnage that was to come.

The light glistened against the magnificent crystal pillars that bordered the tiered city. The grey stone walls that cut the city off from the snowy field were bland in comparison. A second wall halfway in blocked off one part of Ziya from the other and in the middle of it all stood the palace that would soon be his. They'd used a different stone for the palace, one a little paler, the two towers rising towards the sky and topped with pale red tiles.

It was far more beautiful than his palace in Ishmar, the arch windows twinkling like stars, one tower taller than the other. He couldn't see much else except for the three floors and the turrets on the roof. Eventually, he would be able to see the many ballrooms and the magnificent gardens when he owned it all.

It wasn't what he should have been staring at from his perch on Ishin's shoulder. He had just called for the charge, he should have been focusing on the lined up soldiers waiting for them at the first wall, Warriors of Ziya leading them. One held up their sword and the first lines ran for Harudan's storming army. He had no doubt that they knew what his plan had been from the start, but they were going to walk straight into the trap anyway.

He and Ishin stood at the back of the massive army, watching his soldiers charge across the field. They would attack later when there was a better chance of getting Harudan straight to the palace. That probably wouldn't be until the other part of the army reached them. It would only be a few minutes, an hour at most. It was what they had been waiting for since they left Brenmar all those weeks ago.

It was all coming to a head. In a matter of hours, Minisia would be his and he would be King of all Vishera. It was overwhelming, terrifying and exciting all at once and he wanted it to be over right then and there. With Ignis swooping above him and the archers firing down towards the walls, the armies clashed together in a torrent of screams and blood.

Trebuchets and catapults threw flaming rocks over the city walls and smoke rose from the wooden buildings. Harudan smirked in satisfaction, his fingers clenched tightly around Jonin's sword. If only he could have been there to see it, he would have enjoyed it. All Harudan could do was hope that wherever he was, he was watching him win.

"Are you ready?" Ishin asked him in his booming voice. "The Beast will be here soon enough."

"I'm ready," he replied. They would win, he would win, there was no other alternative.

Ishin held out his hand and like he had with every other battle, clicked his fingers. The noise echoed over the battlefield and for a second, everything fell silent with anticipation. Harudan held his breath, leaning forward to get a better look at what was to come. The battle continued to rage below, but it was muffled and the soldiers' movements had slowed.

A wave of fire washed over the nearest Askari soldiers and they disappeared into the orange cloud with screams of terror. Ishin could have killed some of his own soldiers, but it didn't matter, there were bound to be some friendly fire with the strength of Ishin's attacks. He'd tried not to let it happen, but some of his armies had been killed in Liman. It was to be expected.

The flames climbed up the walls and jumped towards the buildings. Harudan had told him not to destroy the city, but it was a good idea to get rid of a few of them. Scare tactics always worked to some degree. Harudan settled against Ishin's neck, watching the fire spread wildly. It wouldn't be much longer before the real carnage began and when that happened, the Beast would appear.

Ishin had to kill him, if he didn't, then he would lose. If the Beast wasn't there, then Harudan would win so easily, but there was always one more thing to deal with. Harudan had his own things to deal with once the northern part of the army appeared, but Ishin had to deal with the Beast wherever he was.

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