SIX: The Army

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A.N: So over on tapas, I said that if we reach ink goals of 2000, I would post early chapters. We just hit the first ink goal, so here's an early chapter! I'll chuck the link to my tapas at the bottom for anyone who wants to contribute

After days of travelling on Ishin's shoulder, two days after finding Jonin dead on the crystal falls, Harudan caught up with General Juna. Their army, even though it had taken heavy losses in the last battle, was bigger than he had expected. Ishin had shrunk down to double the size of a man and sitting on his shoulder was difficult, but it was easier than scaring everyone they passed.

Ignis still flew with them, wanting to be around him constantly with Jonin gone. It was a small comfort to Harudan, but it was something. When he was up to it, he allowed the drake to sit on his lap and chirp loudly for pets. He wouldn't always give them, but when he did, it made him feel a little better, which in turn felt wrong.

When Ignis wasn't on his lap, he was flying above them in circles, screaming for the person he had lost. It was awful to hear and Harudan wanted nothing more than to shut Ignis up, but there was nothing he could do about it. Both of them were grieving and even though Ignis was an animal, Harudan had to let him do what he needed. It was the same as Harudan crying and wishing he could turn back time to when Jonin was still alive.

There was no changing what had happened. All he could do was keep going with Jonin's sword and their pet and eventually avenge Jonin by killing the Beast that was Promised and Princess Sharina. They were the ones who had killed him, they were the ones who deserved exactly what they gave. Over the course of the war, he was sure he would see them again and when he did, he wouldn't show them any mercy.

But first, he had to continue fighting in the war he had started. Doing so would lead back to the Beast and the Princess, for they were trying to stop him. If he continued with his plans, he would eventually be able to kill those who had wronged him.

The army before him was frozen in shock. Those who wandered between the beige tents quickly stopped when they saw others staring. Over the last few days, Harudan had gotten used to Ishin's strange appearance, a being made entirely of blue and orange flames that burned nothing. Ishin took no notice of their stares, crouching so Harudan could walk through the camp like a true King.

Most of the soldiers were staring at Ishin as they passed between the tents, but some realised who walked next to him, a chirping drake on his shoulder, and dropped onto one knee. Harudan wore no crown nor regal clothing, but his polished armour, which he had carried with him since he left and changed into when they got close to the army.

"Your men do not show you much respect," Ishin muttered, still towering above him.

Harudan kept his head forward, not paying much attention to the soldiers around him. "You are something new, I am not surprised that they stare at you in such a way," he replied nonchalantly. It didn't matter what the soldiers thought or did; he needed to speak with Juna.

A group of armour-clad people strode towards them, decorative capes fluttering in the stiff breeze. General Juna didn't wear their helmet, showing off their confused and shocked scowl. They walked towards them with other surprised Captain's at their back, occasionally stopping for a second to stare.

"Your Majesty," Juna said, but they were staring up at Ishin, who regarded the camp with an expression no one could read.

"It is good to see you, General Juna," Harudan said, giving them a polite smile even though they weren't even looking at him. "I hope I've found you in good health."

Juna wasn't paying much attention, still gawping at the God before them. "Well enough, I suppose," they said absentmindedly. "Your Majesty, who is this? What is this?"

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