FOUR: Loss

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Harudan and Ishin had been travelling for days, walking close to the cliffs that made up Minisia's southern border. It had been a long time since he had seen any life, the last being when he extinguished it in Maeve. It wouldn't be long before they met up with the army, but he was still surprised by how quiet Minisia was. He'd expected to see remnants of his army holding down towns, but for a place that was known for being cramped, there weren't many towns to the south.

For the last few days, he had stayed on Ishin's shoulder, watching the world go by. Minisia looked the same as Brenmar, but he chalked that down to the snow that blanketed the land. In spring, maybe there would be something different, but it would still be a while before he saw that.

He didn't know exactly where he was, just that Minisia's southern border was nearby, a few hours walk away if he wasn't on the shoulder of a God. They had to be getting close to General Juna and their army after days of walking and seeing nothing. He and Ishin didn't speak much, but he didn't mind. There wasn't much he could think of to say.

There were so many things he could ask when it came to the realm and the New Gods, but Ishin wouldn't be able to answer any of them. He'd been trapped in the crystal for centuries, he knew nothing about the current situation of Vishera. He could easily ask about the origins of Vishera and it's two nations, but he didn't care anymore. It wasn't important to what he was doing.

All he wanted was to get to Ziya and win. According to Ishin, the only thing that could stop them was the Beast, which Jonin was dealing with. Once Ignis came back with the note that said the Beast was dead, he could relax. He wouldn't have to wait much longer if he was lucky.

Nerin's translations had been more than useful, even if the last of them hadn't been given willingly. All that mattered was getting Ishin to Ziya and winning the war. He'd put so much effort into trying to mend his relationship with his baby brother, but that had been impossible from the moment Nerin had seen what he'd done at the treaty. He'd never trust that Harudan wanted the best for the realm.

It hurt, that much was true, but it was also something he couldn't worry about. Nerin would never go against him, not really. He would probably leave Ishmar at the first chance he got once he hit adulthood, but it wouldn't matter. Once Harudan got his hands on Ziya, he could relax and start doing his other duties as King, like having a family. He already had Jonin, all they needed to do was make it known to his people.

He was sure they would take it well, they had to. There was nothing they could to their King. And it wasn't as if he couldn't have a family. At least a century ago, a Queen had made it possible for adopted children to take the throne of Brenmar. There was no pure Oshana bloodline, so it didn't matter.

He probably should have been focusing on where he was going and what he was doing instead of dreaming about the future, but he couldn't help it. He was so close to winning, he had time to think about what he wanted when the war was over. All he needed to do was talk to Jonin about it next time he saw him. They'd spoken of children briefly, not long after he was crowned, both of them wanted at least one. One was enough to continue the line.

Only a few more weeks and all of Minisia would be his. Everything he set his eyes on belonged to him, belonged to the new Vishera he would create the second he sat on the throne in Ziya. He still needed to figure out what to do about Ishin once the war was over, but it was something that could wait.

He was pulled from his thoughts by a loud squawk from above him. It was something different from the monotonous pounding of Ishin's feet against the ground and the empty fields of snow. He shifted on Ishin's shoulder and stared up at the dark clouds, trying to find whatever it was making the desperate noise.

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