Chapter five

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Two days later, I was still searching for her number. It was damn difficult to find any information on her with just a first name (or potentially last name) to go on. I was having a good history lesson learning about J. F. Kennedy though. I learnt more in those two days about the old president than I had in five years of history lessons. 

I was getting obsessed. And the question was: why? Why was I so obsessed with a girl I'd known for a day, at most? Why was I allowing myself to get close to her? Whenever I got close to someone they ended up getting mixed up in my life, no matter how hard I tried to keep them out of it. No good could come of this, and yet here I was, searching. 

"What are you doing?" 

I switched my phone off as Savannah bounded into the room. 

"Not much." I told her. "Where's Isla?" 

"Watching TV downstairs." She said, climbing into my lap.

I nodded absently, thinking about Kennedy.

"I'm hungry." She said.

"Is Mamá not home?"


Putting her down, I took her hand as we went downstairs to the kitchen. Isla poked her head out of the living room.

"Do you want breakfast, Isla?" I asked.

She nodded and followed me and Savannah into the kitchen. I got the pair of them some cornflakes and a glass of milk each.

"Where's Mamá?" I asked Savannah.

"She's gone to the shops." Papá said, entering the room and heading straight to the kettle to make a cup of coffee.

We shared a quick glance, he looked away first, looking back down at his phone. What 'business' was he taking care of now? 

Isla pushed her glass towards me and I filled it with water again, kissing the top of her head. Papa made his coffee and left the room again as I thought about getting a bowl of cornflakes.

"Why aren't you and Papá talking?" Isla asked.

"We had a bit of a disagreement, that's all."

"About what?"

"Nothing you need to worry about, niña." I sighed.

"Is Mamá taking us to school?" She asked.

"If she gets back in time." I said.

"Can I have pasta in my lunchbox?"

"We don't have any pasta." I said. "Maybe next week."

She sighed in defeat, like she did every week when she asked and took her pink lunchbox. I handed Savannah her orange one, and filled their backpacks before getting them a bottle of water each.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Don't be late back," Papá warned. "I need you to come with me at eleven to sort out some things."

I ushered the pair upstairs to brush their teeth before we left the house without another word.

At least I didn't explode yet today.


I hid in the only place I knew Papá would never look for me.

"Hi, Nana." I bent down to kiss my Nana on the cheek. "How are you?"

"Fine thanks, dearie. How's your mamá?"

"Mamá's great. And the girls are great too. They're enjoying their last few weeks of school before the holidays."

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