Trailer 1: Cade Merek, lost Jedi Padawan

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This is part of my project to write my own Sequel Trilogy after HATING what Disney did. The challenge was to not directly use any of the Legends stories such as the Yuuzong Vong War and start from scratch like Disney did. I got most of my Episode 7 planned out... this is my first trailer post....

A Long Time Ago, in a galaxy Far Far Away...
The Clone Wars raged on... but it seemed like they were nearing the end. Count Dooku had been defeated by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi had been chasing General Grievous. For Jedi Master Siri Keito and her padawan Cade Merek, their last mission would be to take the city of Gamo on the planet of Manaan, a city considered important for it's resources back from the Separatist to begin rebuilding the Republic. And upon achieving victory and returning to the Jedi Temple... everything changed.

The temple had been destroyed... Jedi corpses were everywhere.... and the Clone Troopers who had been friends with the duo soon revealed their true colors when they arrived at the Jedi Temple.

"Cade, run!" Siri told her apprentice.

"But, Master.... I can't just leave you." Cade replied. Siri shook her head.

"Run and live... just a few moments ago, I saw a vision in the Force... you need to live... even if I die." Siri replied. The clones however did not mean to give Cade any time to flee.

"Open fire!" The clone commander said before Siri force pushed Cade away from everything. Siri activated her lightsaber, intending to go down fighting. Believing in her Padawan to find a way out. With a heavy heart.... Cade obeyed the final wish of his master and searched for a way out... only to stumble across a recording... Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.... someone Cade had once considered a hero.... had come and had killed younglings... Anakin Skywalker betrayed them. With no time to ponder that, Cade continued to search for a way out... until clones surrounded him... carrying the dead body of Siri Keito.

"Surrender now, kid." The clone commander told him when something in Cade had changed. Cade snapped.... the Force flowed strong in him... and in his rampage... Cade... almost in a trance tore apart the Clone Troopers with the Force.... it was as if Cade had been affected by something else trying to hijack his body.

Cade managed to find a ship and fled out of Republic space. He knew it was to become the territory of the Galactic Empire. Terrified about what had affected him in the Temple... Cade felt he needed to live alone... before his ship crash landed in a planet called Xilar. Far outside the reach of the Empire... Xilar was a snowy world. The Force led Cade to a city in the snow planet where after saving their city from a man determined to blow it up, scientist noticed Cade seemed sick... and put him in suspended animation to heal him. However, before the year could end... dark forces invaded the complex and killed the people... leaving the healing pod intact as they did not realize what it was. These were the Servants of Abeloth...  users of the dark side of the Force that one day planned to invade the Galactic Empire!

Years later:
The Galactic Empire was defeated! Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is now given a new quest by Force Ghost, Obi-Wan Kenobi to rebuild the Jedi Order as Leia Organa and Han Solo work with Mon Mothma and others in forming the New Republic. With the Sith finally defeated... Luke believed his task to rebuild the Jedi and find Force sensitive people would be much easier... until one night he started to dream the same dream... a vision in the Force of a young teenager with two orange lightsabers confronting a monster powerful in the dark side.  Suddenly Luke felt a push in the Force... and followed it.

The Force led Luke to Xilar... to find the suspended animation capsule of Cade Merek.... a teenage Jedi Padawan who had fought in the Clone Wars.

"Who are you?" Cade asked.

"Jedi Master Luke Skywalker." Luke replied. Cade activated his orange lightsabers.

"There are no masters named Skywalker! Only a traitor named Anakin who killed the Jedi and betrayed the Republic!" Cade replied.

"I am the son of Anakin... who redeemed my father from the grasp of the Sith. The Republic is being restored." Luke explained. Sensing no dishonesty in the statement, Cade deactivated his lightsabers..

"Tell me more." Cade said.

Scene cuts to one of Cade fighting off new battle droids, and then to one of Cade and Luke going to Coruscant. One of Leia's new aides from Naboo smile and wave at Cade, who waves back in a friendly manner.

The scene cuts to Luke battling a red haired woman who had a red lightsaber.
"Who are you?" Luke asked.

"I was the Emperor's Hand!" The woman replied.

The scene then cuts to a scene where Cade is battling  a person holding a red lightsaber.
"What are you? I know you are not a Sith! How did you get your lightsaber?" Cade asked. The man chuckled.

"We stole many a lightsaber from Sith Lords in history.... we are the Servants of Abeloth.... we follow Mother's command and destroy what we must... many a world outside your borders have been crushed by the Dark Side's might thanks to us!" The man replied. Cade glared at his opponent.

"It won't happen here!" Cade said.

Star Wars Episode 7: A New Beginning

"So I have a proposition for you." Luke told Cade as they were in a spaceship.

"Which is?" Cade asked.

"You join my New Jedi Order.. I'll try to complete your training and you try to teach me all you can of the Old Jedi Order." Luke replied. Cade shrugged.

"I'll think about it.... after waking up so many years after I first was forced to flee... I think I need some time to adjust to the new state of the Galaxy before I just say yes to being a Jedi again." Cade replied. Luke nodded.

"Fair enough." Luke replied.

Star Wars Episode 7: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now