Chapter 2

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Luke Skywalker was excited as he sat in his X-Wing, ready to take off. What was the deal with this 'fire from another era'? What did this mean for the one Luke was meant to find? The descendant of an old Jedi Knight called Revan. Luke was surprised a Jedi would have descendants, as he knew attachments were forbidden by the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic days. R2 beeped confirmation that he was ready to go when Luke was.
"Right. Let's get going, R2." Luke replied.

Trooper FN-2187 followed his unit as they were boarding their ship to head to Careito. Captain Lorelei looked at the stormtroopers under her command.
"Remember when we get to the village, follow my lead. We are under orders by the Imperial higher ups to obtain those funds." She told her troopers. The troopers acknowledged their orders and soon enough the ship started to fly into space.

"Do you think the Emperor's palace is still on Coruscant or do you think the Rebels tore it down now that they have control over the planet?" A stormtrooper asked his friend sitting next to him.

"Considering how much the Rebels despised Emperor Palpatine's rule, I'd say the tore it down and rebuilt the Galactic Senate building." The second stormtrooper replied. FN-2187 started to ignore the conversation between the two stormtroopers and focused on mentally preparing himself for the mission he was about to take. From what it sounded like, he was going to be sent to fight bandits stealing funds from a small village. This wouldn't be too hard. He was a well trained stormtrooper, a few bandits would not stand a chance.

Rhez could not believe what he was feeling... it felt like a powerful wave of the Force. Something was coming, and he didn't know when... he didn't know where it was going... but he knew that soon it would be here.
"Something wrong, Rhez?" Another Mandalorian asked him, noticing that Rhez stiffened his posture.

"I feel something... something is coming... and it's powerful. Whatever it is, the galaxy will undoubtedly be affected by it." Rhez replied as he started getting his gear. Mostly his weapons and his jet pack.

"Where are you going?" Keria asked as she noticed Rhez was on the move.

"I had another one of those strange feelings... something is coming, and I'm going to find out what it is." Rhez replied before he walked away and headed towards his ship.

As Cade slept inside of his suspended animation pod, he kept reliving the horrors of the Clone Wars. He kept witnessing the deaths of many clones who were once his friends, and later his master at the hands of clones that betrayed the Jedi.

Cade was currently reliving a battle he had against Asajj Ventress. At the time he had only one lightsaber and was struggling against the crafty dual wielder.
"You aren't proving to be much of a challenge, young Padawan." Ventress taunted. Cade ducked under Ventress' lightsabers and used the Force to pull a nearby boulder towards her. Ventress did not expect it and she was attacked from behind. Assuming it was another Jedi, Ventress turned around and it allowed Cade to slash her with his lightsaber, ending the fight with her.

"Crafty little..." Ventress started to say when battle droids arrived. Cade remembered he had a mission to do and charged the droids to push on forward.

Cade then remembered when he was studying in the Jedi library. The Council had him on break from the frontlines for a while. That's when he ran into a Togruta female, reading a book on Jar'Kai... duel wielding lightsabers.
"Hey, you mind if I take a look at that after your done?" Cade asked the girl. The girl looked up at him and gave him a friendly smile.

"You have an interest in learning how to duel wield too?" The girl asked. Cade nodded.

"Yeah. I think the increased speed of having a second blade would come in handy. I... I want to learn all I can to learn about the various lightsaber dueling styles... I want to be strong enough to protect my master and the clones who serve under us." Cade replied. The girl nodded.

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