Chapter 5

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Cade felt a sudden surprise as he was back in the Jedi Temple. As he looked around, he almost felt lost somehow. What felt even more confusing is that the temple was filled with people in Jedi robes, talking amongst each other. How was this possible? There was no way the Jedi Order was already rebuilt, right? Luke had made it seem like he was barely starting to rebuild the Jedi Order after the fall of the Empire.
"You seem confused? Do you need help with something?" A new voice spoke behind him, although the voice seemed familiar to him.

Cade turned around and saw Anakin Skywalker behind him, giving him a friendly smile. Alarmed, Cade tried to get his lightsaber, but his body seemingly disobeyed him.
"Master Skywalker! Wow, hi! I'm a big fan of yours. My name is Cade Merek, Jedi Padawan, and I'm ok, it's just... I've been on the battlefield so long I kind of forgot the Temple layout and I'm feeling kind of embarrassed about it." Cade replied with no hint of dishonesty in his voice. That's when Cade realized... he remembered this interaction. This was not the present day... he was dreaming... and his dream was an old memory he had during the Clone Wars.

Anakin gave Cade a sympathetic sigh.
"Yeah, I know the feeling. I wish I could show you around again and help you refresh your memory, but I have to give the Jedi Council the report from my last mission. But don't think I'll
leave you hanging, I DO have someone who can help you." Anakin said before he turned his head away from Cade and started to speak loudly so someone behind him could hear him.

"Snips!" Anakin called, and soon enough his famous padawan, Ahsoka Tano headed toward them.

"What's up, Master?" Ahsoka asked.

"This is Cade Merek, a Jedi Padawan just like you. He's been fighting on the front lines for so long he forgot where everything is in the Temple. Now you know rest is as important to a Jedi as work is, so him not remembering where things are in the Temple just won't do. Show him around and joy his memory." Anakin instructed. Ahsoka looked at Cade and recognized him from their time as younglings.

"I've never been one to reject making a new friend. Let's get those memories refreshed." Ahsoka told Cade.

Suddenly, Cade's eyes opened and he found himself in a warm room in the medical ward of the New Republic base Poe Dameron had recently led him to. Suddenly a soft voice spoke from in front of him.
"You Jedi sure are something. I projected that you wouldn't wake up for the rest of the day, and yet... only an hour after you pass out, you are already back." The voice said. When Cade noticed the owner of the voice, it was a young woman, most likely in her early twenties, looking at him. Cade figured she must have been a nurse considering her uniform said 'medical staff' on it.

"I've always been a fast healer." Cade replied with a nod at the woman. Then, the door to the room was opened and in walked Luke, carrying some food for him. How had Luke known he was awake?

"Hello, Cade. I felt your awakening in the Force, I figured you'd be pretty hungry." Luke explained. Although this statement left Cade a bit confused. He could Luke feel that he woke up? Had he somehow alerted Luke in the Force that he was awake?

"You see what I mean. Your awareness of the Force... it feels like you Jedi belong in your own plane or existence." The nurse commented. Cade chuckled before taking the food Luke gave him and he started to dig in.

"While you eat, I'm going to let you know our current situation. Admiral Ackbar doesn't have any spare spaceships, but he is allowing some of the troops here to escort us to Coruscant. The Mandalorian is resting in the common room and the former stormtrooper, who is now going by Finn, has been given a change of clothes, so people won't think he's still a stormtrooper." Luke informed the young former padawan.

Luke then continued.
"I also spoke with my sister, Leia, about where you could stay once we get to the capital, since you said you didn't want to go to the Jedi Temple. Leia told me that she has a place in Coruscant where her aides stay and live. They have a free room there, so you'll be able to stay with them." Luke informed Cade, who nodded. He didn't expect to be living in a house with multiple people, but it was better than in a pod, having to relive the worst day of your life over and over.

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