twenty four >>> bloodshed

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For the first time since I've been on the ground I finally got to ride a horse on my own

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For the first time since I've been on the ground I finally got to ride a horse on my own. It was strange having to control the horse, but at the same time he knew exactly what he was doing. I rode behind Lexa and Clarke and Queen Nia's body rode along behind me. It felt strange. Everything really did except for last night and this morning when I woke up and Lexa was sound to sleep next to me. It finally felt like things were falling in to place and that things might settle down now that Lexa got Skaikru to join the coalition and Roan was now the king of Azgeda. 

"Heda!" One of the grounders spoke who walked in front of everyone. I glance up from the horse's head and find Clarke and Lexa have stopped looking out. I let my eyes follow and feel my stomach drop seeing all the bodies. I can't look long. The scene makes me sick. I mean who could do this? 

My eyes slowly trace to Lexa who's eyes remain wide till she makes the command to ride down to where the bodies lay. I close my eyes shaking my head, not really wanting too. But quickly I open my eyes back up and follow behind Clarke and Lexa. And it's not long before we get down to the same level and dismount from our horses. 

Slowly the three of us along with three grounder guards walk through the sea of people. I look, surprised that I can, following behind Clarke and Lexa. 

"All bullet wounds," Clarke finally speaks and we stop walking. I look to Lexa seeing the anger building on her face. And before any one of us could speak a voice shouts and all of our heads snap. Up above a hill a grounder waves his arm. Within warning Lexa takes off running. Clarke follows and I find myself running quickly behind. 

We get up the mountain and that's when my eyes meet Indra lying up against a tree stump. She was here...alive. 

"Indra," Lexa speaks, rushing over and dropping on her knees next to the warrior. Indra tries to sit up or get up as I walk up. Clarke quickly rushes over and removes one of Indra's armor pieces. There pools of blood escape and I have to look away for a brief moment as Clarke shouts. 

"Stay away...Y-You're one of them," I hear Indra speak. I look back to Clarke and Indra finding Clarke only helping. 

"Indra what happened here?" Lexa questioned. 

"They attacked while we slept-" Indra pauses, keeping her eyes on Lexa's. "The watchers were watching for Azgeda...They killed our archer's first. Our infantry couldn't get close...Then they executed the wounded." 

"The summit was two days ago...How could the king do this?" Clarke questions, but my mind was telling me it wasn't Azgeda. 

"It wasn't the king," Indra spoke, slowly turning her head to look at Clarke. I crossed my arms over my chest, clenching my jaw. "It was Pike." 

"How did you escape?" Lexa questioned next. 

"Bellamy." My eyes grew wide for a brief moment then settled. Pike was that guy that interrupted the summit with Octavia and Bellamy. Why would he kill all these grounders? Why was Bellamy out here doing this? I thought there was an alliance? 

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