Clearing rumors and singing

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Charlis POV present time on live

"Hey guys what's up it's charli right now I'm doing my nailss" I say picking out a colour

"What colour should I do guys blue or pink" I say holding the colours up

User- blue
User- blue

"Majority vote is blue so I'll do blue" I say pressing on my fake nails "guys ask me questions we can do like a qna" I say

User- who's your favourite sister
User- what's your favourite colour

"I don't have a favourite colour I don't want to hurt the other colours feelings but picking one" I say
"I don't have a favourite sister I like my sisters both equally and for different reasons like Dixie she's the oldest and she's funny and Nikki she's closer in age with me and she's funny too" I say

20 mins into the live

"Ahhhh this is so frustrating I can't do them. This is so difficult for no reason" I say doing my nails

User- you got this char
User- we love youuu
Sarasteller- hey charrrr miss you
User- Sara who's Sara
User- oh yeah charli are you gonna talk about your tweet
User- yeha char your tweet
User- what was you tweet about

At first I was a little hesitant to answer it but I just want to clear everything up. I was really just standing up for my sister

"My tweet. About my tweet. I was simply just standing up for my sister. Sara don't call my sister your best friend after all you've done. You've put her through hell. Actual hell. You've made fun of her for things that shouldn't be made fun of. You made fun of her mental illnesses her past situations and experiences. You've you've spread rumours after she's told you multiple times to stop and not talk about her anymore. I know nikkis not really open about talking about personal stuff or really anything but I respect that she doesn't want people to know about that. So please stop Sara just don't. The only reason why I'm speaking for her is because she doesn't like talking about you. You turned everyone against her for no reason and blamed your wrong doings on her multiple times" I rant with full passion

"I just don't want you or your friends calling her your best friend because your the complete opposite. It just bothers me I don't think it really bothers her that much anymore but just stop" I say

"Now let's talk about something else" I say changing the subject and moving on

Nikkis POV the next day

I wake up and walk over to my bathroom making sure not to put any pressure on my leg. I get ready and everything. I take my brace off and take a shower. I brush my teeth and dry my hair.

After I'm finished I crawl back into bed. I'm bored I don't want to go on my phone or anything. This is making everything harder. I should've listened but I didnt

It's about like 1pm yeah I woke up late. I scan the room for things to do when I remember I use to play the ukulele. I loved singing before I use to sing at school because Ryan made me until it got ruined by Sara who told me my singing terrible and everyone told me that. My family told me other wise though also Ryan told me otherwise but I let Sara get to my head and I stopped singing

I only sing when I'm alone and there's no one there. I'm very self conscious about my singing I hate it when people hear me sing. I'm convinced I sound terrible so I get embarrassed when people hear me sing. Ok the kids back home just made me self conscious about everything about me basically

I've always love music I use to write songs before I still remember them they were sad very sad. One of my favourite songs now is "listen before I go" by Billie eilish. I could basically play any song on the ukulele after hearing it a couple of times.

I grab my ukulele and make sure it's in tune and I start playing random cords. I'm kinda rusty but I got it. I start singing billies song "listen before I go" while playing the ukulele and it's dark in my room. I mumble the words not singing fully. I'm a soft singer I don't belt I just sign soft it's easier for me

I was singing in the dark right there. Tears falling down my face my voice sounding shaky I'm crying for why? I didn't even notice someone standing at the door until I finished. At this point I was crying sniffling and everything. The person walks over to me and sits down beside me pulling me into a hug. I notice that is my mom

"My baby come here" she says pulling me into a hug and stroking my hair as I cry. I forgot how much I loved doing music. I've only listened to music lately not singing or playing an instrument

"What's on your mind talk to me is it about a boy or something else" my mom says once I calm down

"Uhh it's not about a boy but I'm kinda confused on how I feel about one" I sigh

"Why are you confused" she asks

"Eh it's just that yesterday when we went to sway I kissed him. He has pretty eyes I don't know if I like him or not I just met him but he's nice" I say

"Well how do you think he feels have you talked to charli and Dixie about it"

"No because I feel like their up to something doing something that I don't know about. Dixie keeps on asking be questions about my love life. I don't know how he feels"

"How do you feel when your around this guy"

"I don't know happy I guess. He's nice to talk to"

"What expressions does he show around you how's his mood around you" I ask

"Happy I guess"

"We'll just figure things out. Everything's gonna be alright what else is on your mind"

"A lot actually. Mom I'm gonna be completely honest with you I was going to kill myself yesterday. I was going to. I was thinking about how everyone felt when a-ally passed and how I felt when I found out then I got a call from Dixie which made me stop" I sigh and my mom hugs me tighter

"Baby no don't do that. There's other options that don't require hurting yourself. I'm here if you need to talk I'm your mother I want you to be ok. You can talk with charli and Dixie too"

"I did talk to Dixie about it"

"What did she say"

"She told me not to joke around about that because it's serious" I shrug

"You shouldn't joke about it. It is serious. Baby if your feeling like that you need to tell one of us we could help you"

"I know I know. I'm hungry" I say wiping my tears away

"I'll bring You up a sandwich how about that" my mom says

"Yes please"

"Ok I'll be right back" my mom says and gets up and leaves

I have a lot to think about. I grab my ukulele and I start playing random cords making a rhythm and I just think. Think about Jaden about ally about back home about my family and friends about social media about everything

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