The fight

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Lucky you guys for the next few chapter or next 6 chapters or so there like over 2000 words each sorry if it gets boring lmao but idk

The day of the fight

Last night I slept early just dreaming about how I'm gonna beat her ass. I already ate a good breakfast and now we're going to the actual place to like warm up for some shit. This is really cringe but she made up the rules. I bet you she's gonna make a scene entering and she's gonna have a whole entourage behind her

At the place

We're at the boxing place I'm already ready. Warmed up and all. Like warmed up stretching wise. My family's here and jaden too also griff. It's an hour before. Some people are starting to come. Jake Paul's here ready to ref. He wrapped up my hands/knuckles for me that's what he's doing now as I sit beside Jaden head on his shoulder who's playing with buggy. Buggy's grown a bit actually she's a bit bigger now but she's still pretty chill. We're not using mouth guards just helmet things

"So tell me why are boxing this girl" Jake asks wrapping my hand

"She's rude. She challenged me. We've been beefing since middle school" I shrug

"Damn that's a fucking long time. No offence to her but she don't look like a boxer" Jake says laughing

"I know she's not" I laugh "I don't know why she's doing this. Jake she's like all talk and I'm not kidding except that one time that she hit me" I laugh

"Did she punch you or hit you"

"She slapped me. It didn't really hurt but the only reason it hurt was because her fucking stupid ass friends started hitting me too" I say

"So she's like a pussy"

"Exactly" I nod

"Wait so from what I've heard about you and that Sara girl. You, you played sports volleyball and track right" Jake says and I nod "I played rugby to just a little in high school" I add "Damnn well sara she's a drama queen" Jake says

"well yes" I laugh

"Ok I'm finished now we have to wait for her this all starts in and hour I'll see you later" Jake says giving me a side hug

"Thanks Jake" I say and he waves and walks away

"Buggyyyyy" i say and Jaden places her on my lap. I pick her up and hug her. This dog is so cuddly and cute my god gonna pass away it's so cute. Jaden lays his head down in my lap and he's laying down across a few chairs on his stomach and his head in my lap and goes on his phone. I place buggy on Jadens back and take a mini photo shoot for buggy. Charli Dixie and griff are sitting on the other side and I see Dixie take a picture but I ignore it. But I post pictures of buggy on my Instagram



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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