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⚠️Yurrrrr smut warningggggg

This chapter is for the horny mfs 😁

Nikkis POV

Jaden hovers over me and he pulls away from the kiss and just starts kissing me all over my face. Like all over. Then he travels down to my neck definitely leaving hickeys. It's ok though.

Except maybe that I'm going to dinner with my family and Ryan in 2 days because he's moving in the day after tomorrow

"Your *kiss so *kisss fuckin *kiss beautiful *kiss" Jaden says against my neck. As he does that I run my fingers through his hair. (He needs a hair cut)

He gets to my sweet spot and I let out a quiet moan mostly because im trying to hold them back

"You like that" jaden says against my neck again and I nod

"I wanna hear your voice" jaden says

"Mmhm" I mumble

He kisses me down till he gets to my boobs. I still have my bra on though. I lift myself up a bit so he could unclip it. He unclips it in one go then he pulls it off of me and throws it across the room.

"DIDNT need that" jaden says after throwing it away

He looks at my b00b5 and I kinda want to cover them but I can't really move my arms

He then goes in and kisses my boobs. I fight back my moans because you don't wanna hear that 🤠

I mean he got what he wanted. He said a few days ago he wanted to suck my titties 🤭🤔

He starts rubbing my 🐱

Oh god. This guy is on crack or something

Then he starts to tease me which pisses me off. He also took of my pants and he took off pants too

"Just do something" I say sexually frustrated and he just laughs. I'm horny but I'm also over this

"Be patient. Patients is key" jaden says and I slap him in the back 5 staring him

"OWW" jaden says collapsing ontop of me

"That's what you fucking get dick head" I say angrily making him laugh

"Your cute" jaden says kissing cheek pulling his underwear down. And mine too but I didn't notice

"Your so stupid just do something already" I say annoyed

"Patients is key" jaden says giving me a kiss and I'm frustrated

All of the sudden I feel him jam his 9 inches into me and I let out a loud moan and his eyes go 👀
He should shut up because he moaned to.

He went fully in. All in like no time for me to adjust. I dig my nails into his back and then he starts thrusting in and out of me really fast and I came in seconds

Holy sheit

"Fuckk" Jaden moans as I came on his dick that was in my hole.

We didn't use a condom were using plan b

"Oh my fucking god" jaden moans still thrusting fast and I'm like dead at this point. My legs are numb

(A/n Srry this is bad I didn't feel like writing smut rn)

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