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Sorry I'm skipping to when she gets back to la because I really had nothing else to write btw long chapter alert around 3600 words so yeah enjoy

Nikkis POV

I just got back to la it's Monday morning kinda morning we'll really afternoon. It's 1pm so yeah afternoon I just got off of the plane and I'm looking like shit. My voice is coming back don't worry just sounding a little weird lots of voice cracks and voice cut outs. I'm driving to my parents house to pick up my doggie yayy

People were taking care of our dogs so yeah. Before I went on the plane earlier I saw like a lot of things about me on tiktokroom.

There's rumours I'm dating erza or I'm dating Cody only because I was talking to them. The video when I helped erza button his shirt and when I helped Cody get a ride back home. They just assume anything

Also there was a mom saying that I'm a whore and a slut for sleeping over at the boys house and if I was their child they would get rid of me or slap me. Like mmhm ok but I'm not your child. She also said that those boys could've done something to me that's bad and I wouldn't even know. But they know damn well if they did I would murder them

Another thing is people shitting on my family. They were like saying how I'm treated unfairly and how they only care about charli and Dixie and how they left me by myself here and went on vacation. I thought it was funny at first people making sad edits but not until they actually started getting bad hate so I need to address these things

I got to the house and I unlocked the front door. A house sitter was there taking care of the dogs. She's a family friend he names sally

"Hey sally" I say giving her a hug

"Why hello there miss Nikki congrats on your song" she says giving me a hug back

"Thank you thank you sally. I'm here to get my dog. I had to get charli to take care of it" I say

"Oh ok no problem she's just playing with her toys over there" sally said thank her then walk over to buggy

When she sees me she runs over to me and starts jumping. She's grown oh my gosh. I mean I didn't see her for 3 weeks so that's a long time. I pick her up and she's as big as my foot probably and my foots a size 6.5 women's

"Aww you missed me" I say as she licks my face. My little bundle of joy is back. I have to go to the pet store because I have no dog food anymore

"Come on" I say picking up her cage and everything in it

"THANKS SALLY IM GONNA GO NOW" I yell leaving the house

"ANYTIME SWEETIE" she says. I hop in my car and I put my phone on the holder and I'm gonna go live to saw what I gotta say duh. I put buggy in her carrier thing in the front seat it's secure don't worry.

I start driving and I go live on Instagram and Instantly a bunch of people join

Live 73k 👁🔴

"Hii guys. It's been not to long since I was last live actually" I say

"Well there's so many stupid rumours going around so I'm gonna talk about them and give you all an update or whatever. But first thank you all for the support on my song and I can't believe that it's number 1" I say

USER- nikkiii
User- omg ilysmmm

"Ok so first no I'm single like don't know why you thought I was dating someone. Ok that first picture was with me and my friend erza he's like a brother to me wouldn't date him no offence I was helping him button up his shirt because his dumbass couldn't. Second picture with that other guy I was talking to him like outside or something but no I was helping him get a ride home so I helped him. Plus he's just a friend and he's 16. So yes I'm single" I say

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