Damn bro

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Griffins POV next day

So me and the boys are in the living room not talking just all on our phones. Until Bryce turns on the tv and puts it on YouTube. He plays Alex warens new video of her getting set up with vinnie. I see Jadens mood drop from happy to sad. Damn I don't know about this one she looks kinda uncomfortable

"Buddy it's ok" josh says patting Jadens back

"Dude you were to slow" ant shakes his head

"Is it just me or does she look uncomfortable" Bryce points out just what I was thinking.

"I'm gonna text vinnie to ask him" kio says then goes on his phone and it goes silent

"Vinnie said their talking" kio responds and jaden just sighs

Hmm maybe I should call her to ask her about it. I call her on FaceTime and she answers

Nicole's POV

I'm post anxiety attack right now. It's like morning I don't know if charli and Dixie are here. I'm shaking on the bathroom floor. I had a bad dream which caused this. It was about the accident last year. All those dreams about it gives me anxiety about driving and I become paranoid. I feel sick like I'm gonna throw up because of my fear of the accident

I was on the ground until I hear my phone ring it was griff FaceTiming me. I answer it and it faces the ceiling

"G-g-give m-me o-one s-sec" I say going on mute and I run to the toilet and throw up. I could hear griff in the back asking if I'm ok but I can't answer

After being on mute for 3 minutes puking my guts out I'm finished I can't throw up anymore. I wipe my mouth and brush my teeth. I feel like shit and feel gross. I go back to the phone where it shows griffs face. I show only half of my face because I look like a real piece of shit right now. I'm even more pale then I already was with dark circles under my eyes. I go off mute and start to talk

"Dixies not here" I say assuming he wanted to talk to her or she was just not answering her phone

"I wasn't looking for Dixie I wanted to talk to you" griff says

"Ok then talk" I say

"First of all why do you look like that" griff asks

"Look like what" I ask to se did her would dare say I look like shit

"Like shit. You look sick" griff says and I hear people call his name in the back disappointed

"Thanks griff appreciate it" I say with no emotion

"Are you single or taken" griff asks hmm suspicious

"Single duh" I roll my eyes

"So your not talking to anyone" he says

"No. I'm a single Pringle" I shrug

"Ok anyways what's up with Alex's new video with you and vinnie did you actually kiss" griff asks

"I got set up. Tricked. Charli and Dixie set it up I didn't know about it until I got there. I didn't kiss vinnie" I say

"So you wernt purposely flirting with vinnie" griff asks

"I wasn't flirting charli and Dixie told me to be happy I tried" I frown

"That's the most emotions I've ever seen you express looked believable" griff chuckles

"Good because Dixie and charli caught me red handed after" I shrug

"Doing what. Drugs?"

"Not drugs something else and they got mad but that's besides the point. Why are you calling me it's so early in the morning" I yawn

"It's 12pm have you not checked the time" griff laughs

"Oh shit it is. Well why are you calling me so early in the afternoon" I say

"I wanted to ask you about the video you looked uncomfortable" griff says

"Yeah because I did. Who's vinnie I didn't know him until like 3 days ago when he dmed me" I say

"What did he dm you" griff asks

"He said "wasup bby" eww that's gross" I laugh a little

"Who else is in your dms" griff asks

"Why do you want to know" I ask

"Just wondering your like my little sister so I have to talk to all the boys"

"I don't know like clubhouse boys hype house boys I don't know" I say

"Well is there anybody else" griff asks

"One sec I'm gonna throw up" I say going on mute and running to the toilet and throwing up again I hear griff asking if I'm ok in the background but im not. A minute later I go back to the phone

"I-I'm back" I say going off mute

"Do you need me to call Dixie to help you or charli" griff asks

"No I'm fine" i say wiping my mouth

"Are you sure. What if there's something wrong" griffin asks

"No I'm fine I just had an anxiety attack before you called I'm good now" i shrug

"Are you fucking stupid that's not good" griff says

"No im fine go call Dixie and look at her toes or something" I say hanging up the phone and laying on the bathroom ground in deep thought

Griffins POV

Dixie | me

"Hey babe what's up" Dixie says

"Go help your sister I was FaceTiming her asking her a question and she was throwing up" I say and Dixie gets up and looks worried

"She probably had another bad dream. But anyways thanks I'll call you later bye bye" Dixie says then hangs up the phone

"So no she didn't kiss vinnie she was uncomfortable in the video and vinnie lied they aren't talking so you got some hope Jaden" I say and he sighs in relief

"Thanks griff" he says smiling

"No problem" I say dabbing him up

"Why was she throwing up?" The boys ask

"I don't know she was like sick or something but Dixie seemed to know what was wrong" I shrug

"It's just like how you got Dixie griff there's so much competition there's so many other guys after nikki" jaden sighs

"Don't worry dude just be her friend get to know her. I mean I don't really know her that well Dixie tells me about her. Bruh shes always just there but doesn't say much" I say

"So she's quiet" josh says

"Yes and no" I say and they nod


Here's a chapter guyssss before I take a nap bc I'm tired from basketball and like I almost threw up but that's fun right

I have been told That I am highly annoying and apparently "rude" by my sister like I'm only rude to her and annoy her because she makes fun of me she makes fun of my pimples my hair my singing and she calls me a loser. I'm not no snow flake I don't really care she's just annoying

Sorry for the rant ish thing we'll have a good day guyssss


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