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Nikki's pov

Therapy went well. I talked about my problems or whatever. I leave the place and i start driving home. I was driving on that bridge thing but i see a figure on the rail sitting there on the edge. It's giving me major anxiety

I don't know what to do. I know if i go I'll feel guilty if anything happens to the person but if i go help the person what will happen I'll feel guilty if anything bad happens too. Either way I'll feel guilty.

You know what fuck it I'm gonna see what their doing. I pull over like a 10 meters back. And make sure to turn on my hazards so my car is still seen. I get out of the car and i look at the speeding cars beside me on the road. There was like a meter and a half of space in between the rail and road.

"HEY HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" i yell to the person on the rail. Their wearing a black hoodie with grey joggers. They seem to be crying. This isn't good. I'm trying to signal the other cars for help but i don't think they notice yet. From the looks of it the person looks tall they have like blonde kinda hair looking and have one hand on their face.

"Hey excuse me umm what are you doing that's not safe" i say slowly walking towards them being cautious. Their head turns to me a bit and they look familiar. I couldn't recognize the face they were a little far and my glasses were falling. But i could tell that it was a male

"Umm can you please get off the rail and come and talk to me please" i ask i don't fucking know what to do. I've never been in this situation before

"DONT COME CLOSER" they yell in a husky raspy cracky voice. The voice sounds broken and sad. He's definitely thinking about jumping. This isn't good. I know i almost ended myself a few weeks ago but i know that's not right and there's other options. I listen to the guy and stop walking. I think a car or 2 stopped and pulled over too. I look behind to see a middle age women standing behind me on the phone and she gives me a nod. I assume it's 911. Anther person is recording it. God damn why can't you help. Put down the stupid fucking camera and help someone's life is in danger

"Ok i won't. But come on talk to me get off the rail and come over here please" i ask once again

"NO STOP IT YOU WONT TALK ME OUT OF IT" the guys says raspy voice but i could Here that he was unsure about what he was about to do. Oh my god. I recognize that voice. Jaden?

"Get off the rail. Come on don't do it" i say walking a bit closer

"YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IVE BEEN THROUGH AND HOW MANY PEOPLE KEEP ON LEAVING ME AND IM DONE WITH ALL THE BULLSHIT" he yells. I recognize that yell it's most definitely Jaden. Now I'm starting to recognize his hoodie his joggers and his hair. Oh god

"Jaden Jaden get off the rail come on you don't know what your doing. Just come over here and talk to me" i plead and i hear sirens police sirens coming from behind

"NO!!" he yells

"Come on jaden think of your friends. Your mom, your dad, your sisters, come on just come over here, think of Bryce, josh, cooper, Anthony, think of the boys Jaden. How would they feel if you did thAt" i say and walk closer a bit but not to much

I look back to see the officers there's 2 cars and 4 officers there their just watching but seems like their alert and they'll jump into action if they need to but they let me do my thing. Jaden is obviously crying now i could hear him

"Jaden come on just come here talk to me I'll listen" i beg

"NO YOUR NOT TALKING ME OUT OF IT. STOP IT" he screams through his cries

"Jaden stop. It's your birthday, you have so much going for you. You said you like music your a great singer come on just come over here and talk to me" i plead but he doesn't listen

"No. It's over it's all over. I was only suppose to live till 20 anyways" jaden huffs

"No don't say that. Come on Jaden just come here. Come on it's me nikki remember me. Nicole" i say and he just freezes. This is fucking scary as hell. I take a few steps closer and I'm not that far anymore

"Come on Jaden don't do it. It's gonna get better i promise you" i say. I really could say that now it got better for me

"No no no" he says crying even more.

"Come in Jaden. Your friends are probably looking for you their worried"

"Are they really though. They'd be actually looking for me if they cared" Jaden says i know that's not true i could hear his phone ringing

Ok I'll take the risk. This could end bad but it better fucking not. I'm close enough now to pull him back over this way. Ok ok nikki you could do this. Your saving your friend that you slightly had feeling for before. Maybe still now.

He was about to jump he took his hands off the rail so he's just held there by him sitting. and i could hear the police officers running towards us now. I'm scared as shit.

I wrap my arms around his waist as he's gonna jump but just in time i pull him backwards and he falls back onto my feet and he curls up into a ball and starts crying like breakdown crying. Crying harder then that time the boys told me to talk to him

The officers are not standing behind me. I was about to shit my pants that was scary. But I'm relieved that i actually pulled that off.

"Jaden come on talk to me I'm right here" i ask shaking him. As he cries. It's sad it really is. I haven't spoke. To him since New Years. Because i ignored him on my birthday. I feel bad. His phone is ringing like crazy

"Jaden come on I'll take you back to your house with the boys" i shake him

"N-no" he stutters I'm fucking confused

"Jaden come on talk to me like how you did before" i beg and he says nothing "Jaden I'm right here talk to me"

"I-i can't do this anymore" he stutters once again

"You can't do what" i question

"life. E-everyone l-left. Y-y-you l-left" he says making me feel guilty. But technically speaking he was the reason i left. He got a girlfriend when he kissed me on New Years "but I'm right here now. Come on just talk to me" i say kneeling beside him

"I-i-i-i-i" he stutters before breaking down once again. I pull him up with all my strength "Come on You need a hug" i say giving him a hug and he hesitates but hugs me back tightly. It feels weird not gonna lie. After we ended whatever was happening it's awkward. He rests his head on top of my head and he's shaking. I'm glad he didn't die. As much as i was mad at him i don't want him to fucking die. Don't wish death apon anyone

After hugging for a while i pull away and everyone's just watching

"Come on I'll take you home" i say leading Jaden to my car. I help him to the passengers seat of the car there he sits not even resisting. He dropped his phone on the way there and the officer picked it up. Jadens just starring out the window


Hi guys here's a chapter sorry I didn't update last night I was feeling really off and anxious lol

I was really thinking about taking a break from writing for a bit because I've been writing books updating almost everyday since like the end of September but idk yet

I'm making like a rant book where I'm also gonna be posting announcements and also me just complaining there instead of on this book ahah

Anyways have a good day everyone


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