Chapter 8

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We are dating.

We are dating.

Oh Jesus,

We are dating.

James would let me sleep with him again, but this time it was so different. We were holding each other and whispering sweet nothings to one another. I had said 'I love you' so many times in my head but the words never left my lips. I was still afraid of loving again but Corpse made it so easy. He just lived and breathed and it made my world go 'round. 

I had started talking with Poki and Rae and we decided we should stream some Among us so fans wouldn't worry so much about me. I hadn't touched social media or streams in about a week and people noticed. I even begged Corpse to come. I would just stream in bed on my laptop while he used his recording space. I placed a lap desk on my lap and then placed my laptop on top, adjusting my webcam to barely get any background space. I opened twitch and joined the code room and to my horror, Toast was in the room. I mean of course, by contract they have to play and make content together. 

"Hey Sykkuno!" Rae said kindly. "Hi" is all I said before I muted my discord and looked through my chat. Many fans were asking where I am and I just ignored. "____ Thanks for the sub"

Corpse joined the meet and the first thing he said was "Hi Sykkuno." "Hi Corpse" and I enternally giggled because he was just downstairs. We decided on Proximity chat Among us. Everything was going fine and dandy until Toast wouldn't stop following me around the map. "OH JESUS ITS TOAST ITS TOAST" I yelled but he graoned and yelled, "ITS not me you IDIOT." and it felt like a slap in the face. It was like he would harass me every chance he could. Call me names, yell at me, and he even messaged me through discord saying he knew where I was and he would find me. I gulped as I read chat saying I looked pale. I messaged Corpse that something was wrong and I was going to leave the game. Before I could, we were in the lobby and Toast did something I would never expect.

"So Sykkuno baby, when are you coming home?" He sounded so sick and twisted. "I am home" I said sternly. He never cared for me or Bimbus like James does. "Does everyone need to know about how you're a slut who lusted over another man while you had me?" His words were heavy, weighting my mind. Poki told him he needed to stop, and I heard James' voice growl lowly to "Leave Sy alone." Toast didn't stop there, he added on how I was "A terrible kisser and an even worse fuck." I cried furiously, we hadn't even messed around like that so he was just being terribly rude. Everyone shut off their streams, and we all yelled and screamed over discord. Toast had no moral, as he continued to bash me and how terrible I was. "I never loved you Toast!" I screamed and cried, "You-You ARE ABUSIVE" I cried heavily. My breathing was shaking and James now was in the room with me. He looked so hurt and sad as he sat beside me on the bed. Toast's final words completely broke me.

"You are worthless." 

And James flipped.

"You SICK TWISTED CUNT." He screamed and grabbed my laptop, he threw it with ease and it crashed and shattered like nothing. No more noise came from the now pile of glass and plastic and his breathing was off. Heavy. "God I'm gonna kill that fucker." I couldn't see his eyes, and I even was a little scared of the state he was in. I think he noticed and his eyes meet mine. "Oh my goodness Sy, I am -- I am so sorry about your laptop." He was stuttering and a mess, crouched now by the broken pile and I sighed. I slowly moved beside him and touched his arm. "It's okay James. I am mad too." He shakily turned to embrace me, and I just cried. I didn't want him to think I was who Toast said I was. " Me and him, w-we --we never did that." I said softly. "Hmm?", he hummed. "We - we never did it. I wouldn't let him do do it to me." "Baby I know, it's okay baby it's okay." He shushed me and held me tighter. We sat there for a long long time. So long that I drifted asleep in his arms. The last thing I remember was a kissed pressed onto my forehead before I fell asleep.

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