Chapter 13

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We hadn't slept in the same bed for days and Corpse hadn't spoke to me. I never even saw him move, he looked lifeless holding this humongous weapon and staring with dark eyes at our front door. "Corpse, come to bed today." I said softly as I walked to our kitchen. His eyes still looked toward the door, I don't even know if he blinked. I quivered at the eerie feeling emitting in the air. 

I decided to take Bimbus on a walk because he hadn't been getting very much attention like he's used to. I grabbed his leash and grabbed a water bottle before walking towards Corpse. "I'm going for a walk, come with me?" I ran my free hand through his hair, it was messy and tangled covering his eyes. There was just silence. "You need a haircut" I joked, but his expression remained dead. When I had given up and began to walk away I felt two arms wrapped around me. "Oh jesus" I yelled as I fell onto Corpse's lap. This is the first bit of affection I've had this week. His arms were rested around my torso and I felt his head pressed against my back. " I love you Sy." Those are the first words he had said this week. All I felt was guilt, the reason he was so distant was my fault. Toast is only in his life because of me, and I seemingly ruined him. I turned to his chest and held him tightly. I didn't mean to start crying, but I did softly. "I love you." I said into his shoulder. "Here, let's go on that walk." Corpse said as he rubbed my back softly, and as Bimbus heard him say walk, he began to bark. 

We walked together, hand in hand with Bimbus's leash in my right hand. He was padding his feet on the concrete with excitement. The weather today was sunny with a breeze. I was surprised not many people were out right now. 

Our walk was filled mainly with silence, or the common sigh of relief from Corpse when we walked in a completely empty stretch. The sidewalk moved under us until we made it to the farmers market. "Do we need anything?" I asked Corpse. "Uhhh maybe some fruits and veggies?" "Okay love, after this we can head back." I said with a beaming smile. I had never seen Corpse's smile so beautifully lit in the sun like I did today. 

We picked out some apples and strawberries, broccoli, carrots, and a large amount of green beans. Everything was thrown into a nice wooden basket the market had give us, and Corpse helped carry it the whole way home. In his left hand there was the basket, then his right and my left hands were occupied with each other, the I held Bimbus' leash in my right. 

The walk home was ever so calm. Corpse seemed the most calm I had ever seen him. His deep voice would rumble something about how nice it was out, or that I looked beautiful today. "You always know how to make me blush." I giggled. We made it to our apartment door, I unlocked it and held it open for Corpse to put our fresh foods on the counter.  "Hey babe I'm gonna shower. Corpse called as I unleashed Bimbus. " Okay." I said with a smile. He began to walk upstairs, but he stopped and turned to me. "Hey Sy?" "Hmm?" I hummed and looked towards the staircase. 

"Join me."

(Here we go all you little nasties)

I think my heart stopped at the question, or maybe it was exploding. I didn't realize how I had dropped my jaw until I felt dryness creep onto my tongue. "Huh?" I said in shock. "Come on love. Join me." And I somehow found myself following him upstairs. 

Corpse went into the bathroom before I did, the water began running from the faucet as I stood in front of my dresser. 'Should I walk in there naked?' The word made me blush. 'Do I need to bring clothes?' I closed the dresser and held my head in my hands. 'Don't be a whimp Sy.' I sighed. I walked into the bathroom with my clothes on, and Corpse was already in the shower. "Baby?" he asked, his voice was so low and I felt a twitch in my groin. 'Oh jesus' I thought as the room seemed to get hotter by the second. I stripped of my clothes quickly, and hopped into the shower. Corpse had his back facing me, his body being hit with water and droplets running down.. towards his.. OH MY GOD HIS BUTT. I felt myself blush more and I had wide eyes staring at his figure. "You'll get cold love, here" he spoke before pulling my infront of him. I now stood facing the faucet, Corpse's chest was pressing into my back and I felt something rising against my lower body. The water was dripping on my neck and shoulders, and I bowed some to get my hair wet. Corpse lay his head on my shoulder and whispered " You look so perfect Sykkuno." His lips pressed kisses against my skin and soon trailed to the side of my neck. I found myself pulling at him for more contact. The feeling of him hard against me was getting me excited. I turned in his grasp to get some kisses. I kissed his lips eagerly, I wanted this and I was ready.

Our makeout became more intense as Corpse lifted me, my legs now wrapped around his waist. He had me pressed against the shower wall, our lips fighting and tongues sliding to find each others. His penis was pressed right under my hole and I felt myself growing more eager to ride him. "Mmm Corpse!" I found myself gasping as he rubbed his dick against my skin. " Fuck Sy." He grunted before nibbling a trail of hickeys of my neck and collarbone. I began to squirm, I was hard and needed to release. "Please, Please just -just " He cut off my words with his lips. But suddenly, my feet were on the ground. Corpse now had his back towards me and he turned back with a bar of soap. "Here, enjoy your shower." He said with a smirk. He was so quick to get out and cover himself with a towel. " Wh-what?" I sputtered. "Have a good shower, get cleaned up baby." and we that he left the bathroom. 'He just left me like this' "WHY CORPSEEEEE NOW IM HARD AGH" I screamed as I looked at the bar of soap now in my hand.

What an asshole.


Hey guys this is author here.

Please do not message me rudely asking for the next chapter, it just doesn't make me want to write. Please be patient and understanding. I am writing as quickly as possible for you. I appreciate the eagerness for more of my story but I try to write as well as possible.

Thank you for understanding


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