Chapter 11

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I sat awake every night for the past week. James was getting more sleep than myself, and that was mind boggling.  I hadn't ate or really drank anything. My phone was constantly filled with messages from Rae and calls from Poki. James was constantly trying to tend to me but I could barely even speak. He had taken complete care of Bimbus the entire time, and I am eternally grateful. I decided I would have to get up sooner or later, and I could smell Corpse cooking something. It actually smelled appetizing, so I would be out of this funk soon. 

I was meet with a surprised looking Corpse, his hair covered his eyes, but when they grew large in happiness I could feel his love from this side of the room. "Hey, baby." His voice was soft and he approached me with arms open. He embraced me tightly, it was gentle and his hand rubbed circles in my back. I never wanted to leave his arms, but he pulled away to take the lid off a boiling pot. He looked at me with a smile and said "I made you curry with rice, I know you like it so I hope it's good." He looked shy and I was so happy to feel light again. To feel present in my life and be here with James. I didn't mean to just do it, but I kissed him with no warning. Our lips were pressed and Corpse didn't stop me, he pulled me in further hands pressed in the curve of my back. It was soft at first, just light motions as our lips brushed each others. But I began to stumble back into the island counter and Corpse was pushing up against me. His teeth grazed my lip before biting them, and slowly let his tongue graze mine. 

I ended up now sitting on the island counter, my legs wrapped around Corpse's lower back. "Fuck babe, I've missed you." He moved his lips to my neck  and kissed soft feathery pecks down my jaw to my collarbone. "I-I I'm sorry for be-ing distant " I croaked. His breath was warm fanning my skin. I had to close my eyes to not get too excited. "Ba-babe stop it" "Sorry Sy, I've just missed you." He then laid his head in the crook of my neck, just holding my closely. I loved holding him close like this, feeling his strength wrapped around me, feeling his heartbeat pace with mine. I just love him. "I love you James." I kissed the top of his head and just whispered a few soft nothings to him. I felt bad for being so distant, but I loved this man very much and I am so grateful for his presence.  Grateful for his love. 

"Oh shit babe I forgot the curry is burning." And sadly his warmth left me, but I was all smiles as I looked at the backside of the man I love.


Small filler chapter but hi guys! How is everyone? Please leave me any feedback you have :)

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