Chapter 12

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So me and Corpse continuously had to be at the police station, giving statements and having some protection from the now missing Toast. Rae and Poki had even come down to check on us and give the police some of Toast's information. Poki was so distraught by the horrible post circulating on twitter of me cheating on Toast and about Toast being a psychopath. Word had gotten out that one of the OfflineTv's members had been under arrest (Which isn't even true cus Toast on the run), but with everyone not streaming the public had little clue to what really was going on. All was hectic as me and Corpse finally gathered ourselves to head home. 

This was the most Corpse had to be out, and I could tell he was becoming more drained by the second of being surrounded by these people. The drive was rather quiet as we made our way to our home. My hand rested on Corpse's , who's hand was on the gearshift. I rubbed his thumb with mine, hoping to comfort any uneasy feelings he had. I heard his breathing fault as it increasingly became more shallow. "Bab-Corpse are you okay?" He just nodded his head hurriedly. His hair was over his eyes, his beautiful curls, bounced as he nodded. Under the curls I saw a singular tear fall on his cheek. "Baby, no no don't cry! Oh jesus, are you okay? Here pull over." and he whipped us into the nearest parking lot. "Corpse please talk to me, I'-I'm here." "I just hate that I can't protect you" He sobbed into his hands. "No-no Corpse it's okay, please don't blame yourself." I felt myself starting to tear up as I looked at my love. His face only faced forward, he wouldn't look at me. For the small bit of his eyes I could see, they were emotionless. Hard. He was somewhere else right now. "Babe- please don't grow distant." I begged but without a word, he began driving again. Silence erupted and the 10 minutes that it took to get home seemed like hours. We piled out of the car and made our way inside. "Would you like something to eat?" I asked as he locked our garage door. He didn't even answer me before brushing past me. I knocked into the counter island of the kitchen and winced as it hit my side. He just kept walking and went into his recording room. The door closed behind him, but he came back out with something I had never seen before. It was a long case like thing. He threw it on the living room floor and opened it, and my heart sank. 

"What is THAT?" I gasped as he pulled out a long shot gun style gun and a small hand gun. "Protection" He said bitterly. He threw one on to the counter. "You'll keep this upstairs with you, and I'll be down here with these." He had a knife, a long gun, and a few other weapons on the couch. My heart was racing, fingers trembling. "Babe please don't. Please don't push me away." I tried so hard to approach him but his eyes looked dead. He looked dead. This whole thing was driving him crazy. 

I think I'm losing him.

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