Chapter IV: Cherry on the Rocks!

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"M-Moon What're you doing here?" Jimin stammered, completely bewildered as to seeing Moon; Jimin's eyes widened as far as they possibly could, almost bulging out of his eye sockets as if he were some type of bug. Moon lets out a hearty laugh, hand reaching forward to ruffle up Jimin's hair. Jimin giggles sheepishly, scrunching up his nose as the platonic affection; looking up at Moon in pure innocent curiosity.

"Cherry! Or should I say, Jimin?" Moon wiggled his eyebrows playfully before smiling down at the smaller boy. Checking his phone, he reads the time before replying to Jimin. "I heard about Yoongi's business...I'm so sorry. I just got off of work, happened to bump into you," Moon politely smiles, Jimin nodding in understanding.

"It's really nice to see you again Moon. Work? Where do you work now?" Jimin asks, knowing Moon had previously worked under Yoongi's company; after losing the company he assumed Moon was either cut from working there, or left due to his loyalty to Yoongi and Jimin. Jimin assumed he was cut. Moon points up the block;

"I work at a retail store. Doesn't really pay much but it's enough to hold me until I think of another company to sign under. I'm kind of stumped on ideas here," Moon sighs tiredly as he cracks his neck, rolling his shoulders back before cracking a smile at Jimin. "Have you eaten yet? I know a really good restaurant we could go to if you're hungry." Moon offers, winking. "It's on me."

Jimin nods, "I really haven't eaten much, I'd love to." He replies as they start their walk to the restaurant.


"How'd you even end up working here? No offense, but you look well off. You're too handsome to be seen here, tattoos and all," Minwoo giggles as he and Yoongi take a break; noticing their customer activity had died down a bit as rush hour ended. Yoongi cards a hand through his long, messy, hair. Sighing heavily, he rubs the sleepiness off of his eyes and looks to Minwoo.

"I was well off. I lost my company, I was framed." He explains shortly, gritting his teeth as he thinks of Mina and Seungmin. as well as his father. Minwoo furrows his eyebrows, "Framed? What low lives wanted your company?" Yoongi rolls his eyes, "My ex fiancée, step-brother, and father."

Minwoo gives Yoongi a sheepish grin, "sounds fuckin' rough." Minwoo takes a long gulp of his iced coffee before shrugging, "I ended up working here after my dad was diagnosed with cancer, trying to help around the house y'know?" Yoongi nods in understanding.

"I'm trying to get enough money to take this to court or...somethin'." Yoongi mumbled while hiding his head in his forearms, "I'm really not used to this bullshit. I really just need my company back." Minwoo rubs Yoongi's arm in sympathy.

Obviously, Minwoo had no idea what that could've been like for Yoongi. He could barely imagine the stress of losing your entire company, let alone going bankrupt. Minwoo could only be here for Yoongi in sympathy and understanding. Minwoo didn't grow up in the high class, he was only a mere middle class twenty-one year old; doing what he had to in order to get where he needed to be.

"I-I mean I'm not familiar with, company, CEO, stocks, shit but; is there any way I can help you get your business back?" Minwoo asks, Yoongi raised his head and smiled softly.

"You barely know me, why would you want to?"

"I'll get to know you if I help you, won't I?" The two smile widely before high-fiving, Yoongi growing happy to have another person on his side.


Jimin looks down at the menu, scanning to see what he'd order at the restaurant. Moon smiled as he looks at Jimin, setting the menu down; "How's Yoongi been?"

Jimin frowns a bit at the mention of Yoongi's wellbeing, sighing a bit he answers; "Yoongi's struggling a lot...he works at the café on twenty-third, he isn't adjusting well. He hasn't been making much money, getting good sleep, eating well...I'm really worried about him." Jimin whispers, choking up slightly; "I really wish I could help him more..."

Moon shakes his head at hearing that, "I'm really sorry about what they did to your company. Aren't you still signed with Namjoon? Maybe you could do a shoot to earn some more money and help out Yoongi." Moon proposes. Jimin smiles sadly and shakes his head, going to reply until the waitress comes to take their orders.

"I'll take the shrimp risotto and an iced water. He'll have..."

"Oh, ah..." Jimin clears his throat before replying, "I'll take the...steak with the side of fries. And for the drink, a cherry on the rocks?" He asks, the waitress smiled and took their menus; thanking them and going to put their order in.

Moon chuckles a bit, "Still like your cherries, don't ya?" He winked playfully. Jimin blushed in embarrassment before answering Moon's previous question, "Everyone except Namjoon and Wolfe are on a bit of a break from the strip club and shoots. I would but I figured my main focus right now should be being with Yoongi. Plus, even if I wanted to shoot I've got no one to shoot with." Jimin explains to Moon, fiddling with his fingers as he rests his cheeks in his palms. "What am I gonna do..."

Moon thinks for a bit before perking up, as if a lightbulb had just gone off in his head. "I've got an idea! You need money, I need somewhere to sign under. What if I sign under Namjoon's company and shoot with you?" Moon proposed the idea to Jimin, smiling in excitement. Jimin ponders for a second before replying, he really didn't know how to feel about that idea.

It really wasn't a bad idea, but what would Yoongi think? Jimin didn't have to tell Yoongi, he should...but maybe it was better if he didn't know. Jimin's main focus was helping him however, Jimin was still hesitant about the idea.

"I-I'm not really sure-"

"That's okay dummy, it's a wild offer. Think it over first, if you change you mind," Moon scribbles his new phone number onto a napkin, "call me anytime." Moon smiled as he slid the napkin to Jimin.

Jimin grins and takes the napkin, folding it neatly and putting it into his pocket. Their food arrived shortly after, Jimin began drinking his beverage.

The taste of cherries sure did bring back memories, all Jimin could do was gulp it down and let his mind wander.

Was the risk worth it?

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