"Wake up Lady (Y/n)!!" Aura shouted.

"Lady (Y/n)!" Demiurge joined in.

"L-Lady (Y/n)!!" Mare was next.

"Lady (Y/n)!" Cocytus shouted as he blocked another one of (Y/n)'s attacks.

"Lady (Y/n)!!!" Albedo shouts in desperation.

(Y/n) POV

"Lady (Y/n)!!!"

I flinch as I hear Albedo's voice. I look around the abyss frantically. "A-Albedo?" I mutter.

I see a foggy image in the distance. I bite my lip and start to run to it.

"I know that was Albedo's voice..." I skid to a stop as I reach the image.

Inside the image is blurry people moving around. I can't make anything out.

I reach out—

—and touch it.


I wake up to, my bed?

I groan quietly and turn on my side. Suddenly—

—"Lady (Y/n)!" I hear Albedo's voice cry out before a heavy weight is thrown on me. I cough. "HUAGH!!"

I whine as I feel Albedo on my back. She swoops me up in her arms and digs her face into my neck as she holds onto me tightly. I blink, confused.

I can hear... Albedo crying. "Albedo? Why are you crying?" I mumble as I wrap my arms around her neck the best I can.

She pulls her head away from my neck and lets out a choked laugh. She rests her forehead against mine as her eyes rest—closed—and tears continue to fall from them.

"I'm just... so glad. I was afraid... you wouldn't wake up, you scared everyone when you lost control." She sobs out. My eyes widen as I assume what she means. 'I... lost control of my beast form? But... that never happened in Yggdrasil, sure the beast form was difficult to control but... nothing I couldn't handle.'

I wipe her tears away the best I can and smile gently at her. "Sorry for making you and the others worry. I'll make sure to try not to do that anymore." I nervously chuckle. She shakes her head with a smile and falls onto my bed with me.

I blink. "Albedo?" She snuggles her face into the top of my head as she continues to hold onto me. I however get a face full of... boobs. "Please..." She mutters, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Just... I want to stay like this for a bit, I can't imagine losing another Supreme One. You and Lord Ainz stayed with us till the end, and- though selfish of me... I want it to stay that way." She tightens her grip on me. "So please... don't leave. Don't leave me."

My heart stops.


I glare at the stuffed bear that my brother had gotten me, this was before... mama died.

My eyes sharpen and a surge of anger flows through me as I pick up the bear and throw it as hard as I can at the wall.

The Child of The TombWhere stories live. Discover now