Iron Colonel

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"Make ready to ram," ordered Konstantin.

"And the prisoners?" asked an officer.

Konstantin thought for a second "Bring them here, I want them to watch."

"No need!"

The two snapped their heads behind them. Konstantin's mouth hung in disbelief.

"Nice of you to invite us, comrade," spoke Georgy.

"B-but how?"

"How about a box of cigars?"  asked Perla.


"A fresh shipment of tea? asked Darjeeling.


"Saveliy, how about a promotion?" asked Aleksandr.

"Promotion? For me?" said Saveliy.

"If you let us out I will make you a Colonel in a flash."

"Colonel Saveliy," he said to himself. "But what about Comrade Konstantin?"

"We will deal with him," assured Klara. 

"So what will it be Colonel?" asked Makarov. 

"You are too late. When this ship collides with the Graf Zeppelin the whole of Japan will recognize the true masters of Sensha-do. It does not matter whether I die here, when the Chimera breathes fire, it will spread."

"You are delusional!" spat Klara.

"Hehe, I want you to watch this, watch as Kuromorimine is destroyed. And I will be rewarde-"

Konstantin fell violently to his side. A figure behind him swung her rifle around before throwing it at the officer's legs.

"Sorry I'm late guys," smiled Kay.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Klara smiled back.

"And I brought some friend."

Several helicopters approached the group.

"It's All-Stars!" cried Miho.

"Hope we're not too late?" asked Margherita.

A male figure appeared from behind the team and approached Klara. 

In Russian "It's been a while comrade."

"Arkhipov?" she asked.

The man raised his head and smiled at her. His eyes studied the team who looked back in confusion.

"I will make my formal introduction later, for now, we must stop this ship and save the lives of those on the Graf Zeppelin. Shall we?" he said. 

"Let's get to the bridge, we can contact our troops stationed there," said Perla.

The team dodged through alleyways from patrols. Alarms echoed throughout the town as the All-Stars helicopters flew above. Suddenly a man walked from behind a corner with several KSU soldiers.

In German "Going somewhere?" he asked.

Monika snarled "Out of the way Holzauge!"

"We'll deal with them, you guys get to the bridge now," said Georgy.

The team left Georgy, Makarov, and several Anzai mobsters to fight against Holzauge and his men.

"How much further?" asked Darjeeling.

"Just up several more stairs," said Arkhipov.

"What's the plan when we get there?" asked Kay.

"Help the crew disable the guards, contact the Graf Zeppelin to evacuate right away," replied Aleksandr.

Inside the bridge, Captain Isakov began to curse at the guards in Russian before getting another strike to the face by the nearest guard.

"You're fucking chum!" roared Isakov.

The guard began another hit but was caught by Arkhipov and finished by Nonna with a punch to the gut. Aleksandr led the girls into the room with weapons in hand, some uncomfortable with the situation.

Soon the guards replaced the crew in being tied up and huddled in a corner. 

"Right let's get to it," said Aleksandr.

"Corona! You might wanna hear this!" called Anchovy.

Corona picked up the headphones and listened. Her face went white.

She turned to Anchovy "Broadcast this to everyone on this ship. 

Aleksandr's voice echoed throughout Kuromorimine. 

"Combatants stationed in Kuromorimine, friend and foe. This news will be a hard pill to swallow but it is of the most supreme of dangers. We call on you to evacuate the ship immediately to avoid the Novorossiysk. Repeat evacuate immediately to avoid the Novorossiysk!"

"Can't we just turn away?" asked Miho.

"Unfortunately ships don't turn on a dime. By the time it begins to turn we would have cut through the Graf Zeppelin already," responded Isakov. 

"How long till impact?" asked Maho.

"A minute," said Isakov darkly.

"God help us."

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