#51 MONSTA X: Hyungwon × Wonho

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Requested by DevileshKitten

Requested by DevileshKitten

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Little: Hyungwon (5-9)

Caregiver: Wonho

It's been an easy day for these two. Wonho had taken Hyungwon to the amusement park and they were now about to go on the fastest and twistiest ride there. The "Tornado". The only seat were the ones in the front, this did not settle with Hyungwon well. Wonho and him sat on the ride and Hyungwon quickly grabbed Wonho's hand. The ride started and soon the first drop came, Hyungwon yelled loudly and squeezed his eyes shut. When the two boys were off Hyungwon had tears in his eyes. Wonho sat him down.

Wonho: "Baby, are you alright?"

Hyungwon: "S-scawed."

Wonho: "Do you want to go home Bud?"

The boy nodded and was lifted up and carried back to their car. Wonho helped Hyungwon buckle up and they drove off. When they got home Wonho made Hyungwon a bottle and carried him to their room. The little drank his bottle and went to sleep, his fist latched onto Wonho's shirt.

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