#56 SuperM: Lucas x Taeyong

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Little: Taeyong (3-5)Caregiver: Lucas

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Little: Taeyong (3-5)
Caregiver: Lucas

Taeyong, has been in his studio all weak. He hasn't eaten or rested, let along slipped in almost two weeks. His boyfriend, Lucas, was severely worried about him. Fortunately, Lucas went to the studio.

Lucas: "Yongie?"

Taeyong: "Yes?"

Lucas: "Come back home please. You really need rest."

Taeyong: "No, I need to finish this."

Lucas: "Yongie, you haven't rested in 2 weeks."

Taeyong went silent and teared up.

Lucas: "Don't cry baby."

The taller picked up the upset little and held him close.

Taeyong: "Y-Yongie ish s-sowwy Papa..."

Lucas: "It's okay my little Angel. Let's get you home okay?"

Taeyong nodded and rested his head against Lucas' shoulder. After they got home, Lucas sat Taeyong on the kitchen counter.

Lucas: "What would you like to eat baby?"

Taeyong: "Sushi pwease Papa."

Lucas: "What would you like to drink?"

Taeyong: "Mwelon juice."

Lucas smiled and made Taeyong his food and put his juice into a sippy cup.

Lucas: "Here little Bubba."

The taller sat the baby at the table and fed him his meal. After Taeyong ate, Lucas picked him up and went to the bathroom. After Taeyong's bath he put into his onesie and put to sleep.

Sorry for not updating as much as I used to. I've been busy with school and stuff outside of writing. But I'll hopefully be able to start updating more🥺

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