#53 SHINee: 2min

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Little: Taemin Caregiver: Minho(Warning: This is a horror one so mentions of blood

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Little: Taemin
Caregiver: Minho
(Warning: This is a horror one so mentions of blood. This is based on the show Supernatural)
Taemin came rushing down the stairs screaming.

Minho: "Hey, woah. What's wrong?"

Taemin: "Bwood in bathroom!!!!"

Minho immediately ran into the bathroom.

Minho: "Taemin get in the car now!!"

Taemin did as he was told. Minho got in the drivers seat and sped away from the house.

Taemin: "Min what happen?!"

Minho: "Don't worry baby. We will be okay."

He kept driving and driving. Eventually he pulled up to his mother's house.

Mrs. Choi: "Woah, what's going on?"

Minho: "I can't explain. We left way to quick."

Mrs. Choi: "Come on. Let's get you two warmed up and relaxed."

Taemin follows the two inside and suddenly screams as the image replays.

Minho: "Baby, what's wrong?"

Taemin: "Saw again!!!! Wan teddy!!!!"

Minho quickly gave the little his teddy bear. The boy instantly calmed down and waddles into Minho's arms.

Mrs. Choi: "Taemin, sweetie do you want a bottle?"

Taemin: "Yesh Pwease."

Mrs. Choi smiled softly and went and fixed the little boy a bottle and then gave it to him.

Taemin: "Thank chu MeeMee."

Mrs. Choi: "Anything for you and your Bubba."

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