#50 MONSTA X: Shownu × Kihyun

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Little: Kihyun (2-9)

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Little: Kihyun (2-9)

Caregiver: Shownu

Today was a very happy for the little. He had woke up in a good mood and went to wake up his Bubba. Kihyun ran down the hallway, with his blanket, and went into Shownu's room. He sat on the taller's chest.


Shownu: "Hello there Prince."

Kihyun: "Hi Bubba!! Kihyunnie wan' cuddwes pwease."

Shownu: "Then come here."

He pulled the little down, now he was laying on Shownu's chest.

Kihyun: "Dats better."

Shownu chuckled when his baby nuzzled his head into the taller boy's chest.

Shownu: "Did you sleep good baby?"

Kihyun: "Mhm, did chu sleep good Bubba?"

Shownu: "I did. I'm even more relaxed with my Precious Prince in my arms."

Kihyun blushed and his his face.

Shownu: "Don't cover that adorable face Baby boy."

Kihyun: "Bubba stwop fliwting!!"

Shownu: "Okay I'll stop."

He kissed Kihyun's head and turned so he could face the boy properly.

Shownu: "I love you Baby Prince."

Kihyun: "Wuv chu too Bubba."

Needless to say they both ended up falling back asleep.

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